Chapter 18

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Jennifer POV

I was sharing a room with Laura and she took the bed next to the window. I dropped my bag into the ground. It was ten at in the morning so Laura and I decided to head down to the cafeteria. There were so many people from other countries. I stood out because I was still wearing the moonboot.

There were so many people milling around that we decided to check out some other places. Coach said that we were going to be going the gymnastics arena later in the day. There wasn't anything to do so we headed up to the room that Chris and Mason share.

All the guys were already there. Laura headed over to Liam and they started talking again. I seriously thought that they would be an adorable couple. I walked past her ad shoved her shoulder slightly so she stumbled into Liam's lap.

She turned around and glared at me and moved over to sit next to Chris.

"Are you guys coming with us to the arena?" I asked.

"I think so, when are we leaving?" Ethan asked.

"A couple of hours, about two, I think."

We sat there talking for a while. Laura was the most nervous out of everyone because we had all been to the previous Olympics. We all headed down for lunch and there were even more people in the cafeteria than before.

I grabbed a plate of fried rice and took a seat while the rest of my friends found food. Another USA athlete sat down next to me. I looked up and it took me a moment to realise who it was. It was USA 19 year old swimmer Katie Ledecky.

"Hey, it's Katie right," I said.

"Yeah, and you are Jennifer," she added.

We started talking for a little while. She was my age as well and she told me that she loved my new boot.

"Yeah, well I like to keep up with the fashion," I laughed.

Someone called her name.

"I have to go for training so good luck with the ankle and the completion," she said as she stood up.

"Good luck to you as well but I don't think that you need it as much as me," I smiled.

She left and I was left sitting in shock. Laura came over and noticed my shocked face.

"What is going on?" she asked.

"I was talking to Katie Ledecky and she knew who I was," I said.

"OMG, that is amazing."

"And what is going on between you and Liam?" I added.

"Nothing," she blushes.

"Come on, tell me sister."

"Ok, I think that she is cute and I would love to go on a date with him but I don't think he sees me like that," she said just before the guys came over and Laura didn't say anything more.

We all headed to the arena later in the afternoon. Both Chinese teams and Russian teams were here as well as a couple of other teams. We all started to walk around the arena. There wasn't much different about each gymnastics arena so there wasn't much to look at.

I didn't want to practice and aggravate my ankle but all my teammates pulled off their tracksuits and started to warm up. I sat down on the side of the arena. I wasn't going to practice before the competition because I didn't want to reinjure my ankle.

I was watching one of the Russians on the bars. She looked so smooth in her routine and she had a perfect dismount. International competitions are tough because everyone is amazing. It isn't like National competitions were there are only five or six people really have a chance to win.

Everyone was started to prepare for the Opening Ceremony. Coach had told us over and over again not to go because the guys are competing the next day and we are the day after. We came anyway and our Coach doesn't know yet. He might but none of us have got angry messages so I assume he doesn't know.

We are in the beginning of the parade of countries because in the United States starts with E. We got called out and people started cheering. Michael Phelps is our flag bearer and as soon as we got out I was glad that I came.

The lights were amazing bright and we all started waving at the crowd. Most of us were holding small flags. Laura was standing next to me and she was gazing at the massive crowd.

"It is crazy how many people are here," she said to me.

We all came around the end and put our seeds into the towers and then we got to mingle with the other countries. I ended up surrounded by athletes from Spain. I thought about using the crutches but I decided that that would hurt by arms more so I left them behind.

The ceremony continued in front of us. Laura and I were talking to the Spanish athletes. They knew English and they seemed to be better at speaking English than me. They told us that they were both tennis players and played doubles together.

The last countries came out and the ceremony continued. There were boring speeches then the flame came in. The flame was beautiful and it was lit so the Olympics finally started.

I don't know what time we got back to the village but Coach was standing outside the Chris and Ethan's room.

"I thought that I told you not to go," he snapped.

"We wanted to go," Ethan said.

"I thought that you would know better than that," he added.

We all rolled our eyes at him and headed off to our own rooms.

"I was so glad that we went," Laura said as we moved around the room getting ready for bed.

"I know but I am really excited for competition," I said.

"Are we going to watch the guys tomorrow?"

"I really want to and I'll see my family."

"I'm so glad that you invited me to come with you to your hometown and we are friends," she mumbled.

I went to say something to her but she had fallen asleep.

"I'm glad we are friends too."


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