Dear diary, I'm slowly dying from the pain they cause me

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Dear diary,

It's been a few weeks now since I started taking the pills, I have been taking them everyday and they make me forget all the pain I'm going through. I have still to work at the record store and do all my school work and take care of my dad as well though.

Today I was walking to school and my stomach was getting really painful and then I bumped into John

"Watch it you freak!" He shouted and When he saw the colour of my face p, he looked worried

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"Cyn are you alright? You've gone really pale" John said

"I'm fine, I have to get going to school"I said but I could hardly see anything that wasn't moving because I felt so dizzy that everything was spinning

"Cyn? Cyn? Cyn are you alright?" I could just about hear John say until I collapsed onto the cold pavement hitting my head a little bit

"Cynthia!" I heard John shout before I passed out

Diary to be continued........ ;)


Oh my god! Cynthia collapsed! I ran over to her to see if she was still breathing and I cradled her checking her wrist for a pulse and I found a very weak one.

10 minutes later...

Cynthia was in a hospital bed, the doctors went to find out what was wrong with her and why she collapsed. I was sat next to her on a chair until the doctor came in with her results

"Mr Lennon" he said

"Yeah that's me, now what's wrong with her,why did she collapse?!" I shout

"Well it looks like your girlfriend has had a drug overdose" he said

"W-what?" I stutter.

"She's had a drug overdose, it looks like she has been taking drugs for the past few weeks and now we have to get the drugs out of her system"

"Why would she take pil-" the. I realised why she did it, me, the guys, everyone at school. This was all my fault! As I was thinking I heard the heart machine showing that her heart is stopping and I looked at the screen and the line was flat.

"WE NEED A FEW MORE DOCTORS IN HERE PLEASE!" The doctor shouted, ignoring that I was in the room, about 3 or 4 doctors were with her and one of them was doing CPR on her. I was stood in the corner thinking how this is all my fault, I caused her it take those pills and I'm the reason that she might die.

After about 10 minutes of trying to get her heart to beat again, they finally managed to bring her back and the machine went back to normal. Thank god. So I sat down next to her and held her hand in mine


I woke up and my chest hurt and so did my stomach, but I felt someone's hand on mine

"Cyn?" I heard that familiar voice and I turned my head to face who it was who was holding my hand. John.

"John?" I said

"Cyn I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I caused you to take pills! You nearly died!" He shouted

"But I'm fine now, I'm okay" I say smiling a little bit

"The doctor said you can go home soon, I'm gunna take you home okay" John said

And then I remembered My dad

"John you don't have to take me home, I can just get get a taxi" I reply

"It's the least I can do ,I I want you to get home safely" he says

"Since when do you care about me?" I ask sounding harsher than I was meant to

"Who said I didn't care?" He replies and leans down and kissed me.......

Love from

Cynthia Powell x

Find out more on the next chapter

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