A little chat with Mr Powell

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I was completely shocked, John Lennon, my bully is kissing me! I know it's wrong but I kissed him back and I swear that I felt sparks. It was amazing and I was disappointed when the kiss ended because the doctor came into the room

"I have called your father and he is worried sick about you, and that's not good for his health, please give him 1 of these tablets when you take her home" the doctor, who treats my dad, says giving the pills to John thinking that he knew that my dad is ill and then leaves the room after sating that I'm free to go but John will have to look after me

"What's wrong with your dad?" John's asked after a minute if silence

"Not-nothing" I stutter getting up slowly and slowly get ready, I had a feeling John was watching my every move


After Cynthia got ready, there was a taxi waiting out side for us ready to take us back to her house. It wasn't a long journey, about 10-15 minutes and the we pulled up outside her house, it was a good size but the paint work needed doing.

We got out of the taxi and I put my hand out for her to take and she was hesitant but she took it any way. Then we walked into the house...

"Cynthia sweetheart is that you?" Her dad called

"Yes daddy I'm back" she replied slowly going into the living room as I followed

"I'm so glad you're okay! I called the record store and told them you can't work for a week, they said you should cut down the hours you work" he says

"I know daddy but how else can we pay for your treatment?" She whispers thinking I couldn't hear

"Who's this darlin'?" He asks looking at me

"Daddy, this is John, John Lennon" she says

"The guy who bullies you?" He says, I immedietly felt even more guilty for everything I have done

"Yes" she answers

"Come 'ere son, come sit next to me, Cynthia love, can you go upstairs please I just need to have a talk with John" he says and I go and sit next to him while Cyn goes upstairs


I go upstairs slowly, and go into my room and there are more messages so I play them

"Hey you freak! I heard you collapsed, it's a real shame you didn't die! You should have died! No one wants you here at all, no one likes you, you're just a freak! Your mum should have given you up a long long time ago! Do us all a favour and go and kill your self today, no one will miss you, no one will care that you died, In fact, we would all be happy, we would celebrate your death, so go kill your self now!" The message says and I feel the tears fall from my eyes and I kept playing the message listening to it over and over again, along with all of the other messages while going Into my en suite getting my knife that i keep there and cut slowly listening to the messages as the blood trickles down onto the floor and the sink...


"I know you have been bullying my little girl, I didn't think it was that bad that she would try to kill her self" he says sounding upset

"I'm sorry sir, I'm so sorry, I didn't think I was hurting her that much" I say looking down

"Have you got my pills son, the doctor said he would give them to ya" he says

"Oh um... Yeah" I say getting them out of my pocket and handing them over

"Did she tell you what was wrong with me, why i need these?" He asked me

"No she didn't sir" I reply

"I have cancer" he tells me and I feel even more awful that I already felt

"I'm so sorry" I say looking down

"Do you know she works extremely hard, she goes to school, gets bullied, comes home and studies for an hour or 2, goes to work at the record shop for 8 hours everyday and comes home to look after me... This happens everyday and she's always exhausted" he tells me. I had no idea this happened, everyday... That's why she always looks so tired.

"My wife died of cancer last year, it'll only be her and her brother left once I die. When I die, please take care of her, please keep her safe and tell her you're always gunna be there for her, please love her and provide for her, don't hurt her, she's been hurt enough already." He asks me and I feel tears starting to fill my eyes, I feel awful, I've bullied her and her mum has died if cancer and now her dad to? This world is cruel

"I know you love her, I know you do" he says to me

"I promise" I answer him

"Go upstairs and see if she's okay, I would but..." He says and I nod and make my way upstairs. I saw her room but there was a noise from her phone and I walked in slowly and listened. They were her messages, cruel messages playing:

"Hey Cynthia you freak! No one wants you here, maybe you should kill your self so we won't have to see your face ever again!"


"Hey freak, go and die! No one will miss you, not even your own dad and mum! Hope we won't see you tomorrow!"


"Hey freaky bitch! You know John doesn't like you! No one does! Not even your own family! Not your mum or your dad or your brother, they just feel sorry for you! Maybe it would be best if you weren't here any more" I recognise the voice of that one... It was Stu's

There were loads and loads of Hate messages but This is the massage that got my attention, which was sent to her today:

"Hey you freak! I heard you collapsed, it's a real shame you didn't die! You should have died! No one wants you here at all, no one likes you, you're just a freak! Your mum should have given you up a long long time ago! Do us all a favour and go and kill your self today, no one will miss you, no one will care that you died, In fact, we would all be happy, we would celebrate your death, so go kill your self now!"

I couldn't believe she has been getting these messages! I checked when they were sent to her and it's has been a long time, for months and months she has been getting them and i felt absolutely awful. There was another door open, the light was on so I went In and saw blood... A lot of blood and Cynthia lying on the floor in a big puddle of blood

"CYNTHIA!" I shout running a little but to her

"Leave me alone! I want to die! I shouldn't have been born, if I die I would make everyone happy, no one loves me, no one cares. I can't go on, I just can't... This is me giving up" she says bursting Into tears

"No Cyn, no yer not giving up, yer gunna stay 'ere with yer dad, yer brother... And me..." I say cradling her and I take the knife away from her putting it behind me. I don't care that I'm getting blood all over me, all I are about is her. I couldn't be in love with her could I?

I pick her up carefully and I also take the phone down.

Once we get downstairs, I put her in the living room and call a taxi.

"Cynthia?" He dad says sounding worried and I quickly plug the phone in trembling

"Listen" I say And all of the messages start to play

"Oh my goodness" he says tears I his eyes and that's when the taxi shows up

"I'm taking her to the hospital, we should be back later" I say

"Wait'" I'm coming too" he says and we all leave the house and make our way to the hospital

Sorry it's a long chapter and not the best...

Why does he do this to me?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora