Chapter 7 -Blurry Eyed-

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Chapter 7:

Popular, just wasn't a part of my vocabulary. I had never been popular, and I wasn't sure that I wanted to. I know if other girls had the chance to be in my current position, well they'd die for it. A chance to sit with the hottest group at school, the sexist bad boys out. I wasn't sure if I was up for that; I wasn't ready for it.

I bit my lip. "I can't", I said staring into Liam's eyes uncomfortably.

Before he got a chance to reply I had turned around and rushed out of the cafeteria. No one came after me, I felt slightly relieved, but wondered if I had made the best decision?

I would have made a fool out of myself and Jaelynn would have hated me more than ever.

Footsteps and laughter bent around the corner of the lockers.

"Good choice," Camilla said, as Jaelynn and Camilla approached. I was cornered. To my right was the end of the hallway, and to the left was Camilla and Jaelynn blocking any possible way out.

"There's nowhere to run," Jaelynn said as she observed my panic.

"I thought that was kind of cute though, what Liam did for you.", Jaelynn continued.

I tried escaping them, as they crammed me into a smaller space. From the corner of my eye, I could see Liam looking around.

"Don't you even try", Camilla said, placing a fist on the locker next to my face.

I was so tempted to call out for help, but at the same time so afraid of what could happen if I were to do so.

"Can you, just stop," I said as my voice creaked. Jaelynn pouted, wrapping her hair around her finger. She stopped, reaching for some strands of my own.

"Ombre, was so last year", she said as she reached close to my face. Instinctively, I swung her hand away, slapping her in the face. She gasped and her face tensed. In this moment, I pushed and ran between Jaelynn and Camilla, with Jaelynn falling into the lockers as I skidded across the ground.

"I will end you Haylee Dunbry", echoed through the corridor.

I ran around the corner, past the cafeteria, and into the first open door that I could find. I slammed the door and slid down the back hiding from visibility from in the corridor. I became teary, as my trembling hand wiped away my tears.

What had I ever done to deserve this?

I heard her voice, the sound of her heels clicking on the concrete, and the horrible screech of Camilla's judgmental mouth going off.

"When I find that girl, I will finish her!", roared through the corridor. I was shaken.

Who was I kidding, I got a new look and then expected everything to be different? Inside I was still that little insecure girl, vulnerable and scared.

I heard soft knocks at the door only seconds later. Shivers rolled down my spine as one of my hands slapped across my mouth, and the other held it down. I held my breath in fear. Deep whispers pierced through the door frame.

"Haylee, it's me", the voice said.

It was Liam! I opened the door slightly, letting him pass through, unnoticed by anyone within the corridor. He sat beside me with his back also to the door. We were silent, but it wasn't awkward.

I couldn't explain myself to him. My face dropped, as my eyebrows frowned and puddles accumulated in my eyes. I cried silently, as he was still speechless. He put his hand on my leg, "It'll be okay", he whispered.

My head fell to his shoulder as I saturated his shirt in tears. Moments after, I lifted my head.

"I'm sorry", I apologised as I looked at the large patch on his shoulder.

"You're lucky that i'm a 'fine young man'", he said attempting to make me smile. It worked, I was still crying but half from happiness. Laughter interrupted my sobbing as my eyes cleared and I thanked Liam. We both left the classroom discretely, with no one noticing us.

I went to my final class, Biology. This was the one class Jaelynn and Camilla weren't in; they didn't have the brains for it. My mind was blurred for most of the lesson, as I couldn't get what had happened out of my thoughts. I pictured different scenarios of myself standing up against them, and defeating them. At the end of the day however, that was not realistic.

What was I meant to do, could I really do anything? I figured that my hope for a great school year was slowly diminishing, and eventually I would be left crumbled, under the heels of Jaelynn Dunbry. That witch of a girl.

"Haylee?" Mrs. Taylor said loudly. I snapped right back into reality.

"Yes?", I answered.

"The process of photosynthesis?" she asked. Shit, I had blanked out the whole lesson, and I didn't know the answer. Layla, one the smartest girls in our class, was almost leaping out of her seat.

"Please Mrs, pick me!", she demanded loudly, with her hand rising higher into the air.

"Okay." She granted.

I blurred back into my own world. A world of perfect peace, where no one would feel intimidated, confronted or judged. I forgot to remember, that there is no such place.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank-you for reading xx

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