Chapter 10 -Something New-

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Chapter 10:

The day started off amazing, with Liam unexpectedly passing through my window at 5 am. The pancakes were great, he was great, and overall it was unbelievable. Ugh, Liam though. I'm just falling for him even harder now, and I wonder if he has noticed so.

What will I do if he realises I like him?

The day ran smoothly, and since the morning I've been in the best mood. There was no sign of Camilla or Jaelynn today, which was an added bonus because I didn't have to deal with their shit all day. It was great, finally just having a day where someone wasn't out to ruin it.

Liam and I kicked off the day pretty well too. After the mustache incident, we got ready for school and both had Mr. Carter for English first period. Least to say, there wasn't much learning, Liam and I just talked the whole 70 minutes through.

Lunch came around and I sat with his group and felt great as there wasn't the intimidating presence of Jaelynn or Camilla consistently breathing down my neck. I had near to no worries for the day. It was almost perfect.



Mum: "Hey honey, I won't be able to pick you up later because I have a doctor's appointment at 3. Just get a life home. Love you, sweetie".

I nudged Liam's seat with my foot. He turned around and looked at me, raising an eyebrow.


I opened the message again, reaching my arm out and showing it to him. He looked back up, his eyes sparkling in the sun's rays.

"I've gotcha", he winked.

As soon as class ended we both headed out the school gates into the parking lot.

"Isn't your mum picking us up?", I questioned.

"Nah, my car came out of repairs yesterday", he said as we approached a blood red Ferrari.

It was Liam's.

"Woah", I whispered under my breath.

"aha, get in," he chuckled.

I was amazed by his one hell of a car. Still in awe, he started driving to my place under my directions.

"It's a left here", I instructed. He giggled "Okay mam".

Instead, he took a right and I was overly confused, I'm sure I was clear with him as to what direction to turn.

"Umm, Liam, I said left", I protested.

"I know, but I thought we could chill at my place for a little", he smirked.

What was this boy up to?

I didn't argue with his decision, after all, it gave us more time to catch up on the past 13 years of our lives.

We had arrived, to a beautiful mansion, with tall pillars outside the front holding up a 2nd story balcony.

"Woah, this is your place?", I blabbered. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was astonishing. Arching hedges and impeccable fountains created the front garden. I slowly stepped out of his car, where he laughed at my reaction.

"You okay?", he snickered, closing the driver's door.

My eyes scattered across the property.

"Yeaaahh", I said softly.

We entered his house, and I was still wide-eyed, amazed. I kicked my shoes off at the door and trod carefully behind him to his room. His room had to be at least twice the size as my own, and my mind scattered across it observing every corner and all the stuff he had. Liam slouched into a beanbag in the corner of his room, where he smiled watching as I was literally mind blown.

I walked over to a cabinet and picked up a picture that he had framed, as it had caught my eye.

"Liam is this?", I was cut off.

"Yeah, it's us at your 4th birthday party, just before I moved away", he said while placing his hand on the nape of his neck.

The picture was of us both laughing and opening presents together. It was one of the cutest photos I had seen of us both as children. I smiled slightly, placing it back in its rightful place.

"Ah", I giggled. "That's really cute".

"uhh, I reckon I know something that is cuter", he said regaining his stance and moving closer to my body. I held my breath for a moment...


"Yes?" I stuttered as he moved closer. I could almost feel the warmth of his breath on my face. Almost instantly I broke into laughter as his hands travelled to my stomach tickling me until I was breathless.

"No stop!", I laughed as he had me on the ground bunched into a ball laughing so hard I was almost crying.

"Awh poor Haylee is still so ticklish", he pouted as he continued tickling my sides. I squirmed uncontrollably trying to escape his tickle fest. I caught my breath, regaining my stance and ran out of the room laughing with him trailing not far behind.

"argh no, Liam I'll kill you!", I laughed as I ran into the living room. I slipped, falling onto the couch. My face tensed as he got closer still laughing.

"Don't do it", I said pointing. He pulled a fake frown, and I burst into laughter again, and he copied.

"You can't stop me", he said cheekily.

I grabbed pillows from the couch, throwing them at him.

"Nooooooo!", I screamed playfully.

Still throwing pillows, I got up and started to run out of the room but a sturdy pair of hands had grabbed my waist.

"Ah, shit!" I bellowed out.

"Now where do you think you're going?", he chuckled. He spun my body around and I looked deeply into his eyes. They were so beautiful, a shade of baby blue as if the sky was trapped within them.

"I missed you Haylee", he whispered engulfing me in a heated hug. The warmth of his body against mine was comforting, and I wish I could relive this moment over again.

"I missed you too Liam", I whispered back.

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