Chapter 1

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'Remember mummy will always love you,okay?' I sobbed .leaving my 6 year old daughter to her father who doesn't even know she exists isn't easy for a mother.'but mummy where are you going we just came for a walk?' Darcy said confused. 'Mummy is not gonna see you for a while now' I sniffled. 'But why?!' She screamed starting to tear up. 'You always asked about your daddy you are going to be with him now okay?''nooo! I don't want you to leave me' she cried. 'It's okay darc daddy will take care of you,you knock on this door and whoever comes out give this letter to them' I said giving her a piece of paper 'I love you mummy' she said hugging me. ' I love you to my baby girl'. I hugged her and went and stood behind a wall where I could still see her.
Harry PoV
I sat outside the recording booth with Niall as we waited for Louis and Liam to bring us food. Suddenly their was a knock on the door I looked at Niall as he looked at me both confused as the boys NEVER knock they just enter. 'I'll get it' I said getting up. I opened the door and saw no one I was going to shut it when I heard a sniffle I looked down and their was a little girl with tears streaming down her face I bent down her level and spoke 'are you lost sweeetie' she didn't answer me just handed me an envelop with my name on it, I opened it and there was a letter inside.
'Hi haz I don't think you still remember me, it's Y/N we broke up after nine moths well that doesn't matter now. You were my first time, after we broke up I found out that I was pregnant. I thought about it and I knew that it wasn't the right time for you to raise a child your career was on the top you second album just came out. And I couldn't get an abortion I just couldn't. So I decided to raise her alone. After she was born I decided to name har darcy just like you always wanted your daughters name to be.My parents kicked me out so I left and went to the suburbs. I got two jobs. After I lost one of them it got difficult for me to take care of both of us. You are a pop star you can do anything you want buy any thing you want and I know you will take care of her. I am sorry but it's the best for her. Take care of her Harry.
Love Y/N'
By the end of the letter I was in tears. Afcource I remember Y/N she was my first love. After our break up I was miserable. I looked at darcy she was still crying. 'So your darcy'I asked her. She nodded pulling her teddy bear closer to her chest. She nodded 'are you my daddy?'
hi guys!
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