4 ➳ The Lead

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Who exactly does that Camera Guy think he is?

Yelling at him, telling him about his job.

"I'm the actor here, not you!" Dan wanted to say. "What do you know about anything?"

But he just kept his mouth shut, for the most part. Because something inside him—something deep, deep down—told him to be nice for once. A little voice told him that maybe, just maybe, things could be different.

"Yeah, right," Dan mutters as he climbs the steps leading up to the theater.

It's not like Dan and Camera Guy would ever be friends, right? It's not like they could actually form a relationship over the next few months. After yesterday's failed interview, Camera Guy probably doesn't want anything to do with him. And Dan is perfectly fine with that.


Just as Dan opens the doors to the theater, someone smacks him square in the face.

"Ow! What the hell?!" Dan shouts, his hands instantly going up to cover his face.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

Dan mentally rolls his eyes.

It's Phil.

Dan stumbles back and looks at Camera Guy, who's standing in the doorway, eyes wide.

"Diana asked me to come look for you and well, I guess I found you! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry—!" Phil takes a step forward and reaches out for Dan, but Dan yanks his arm away.

"Seeing as you failed to break my nose or my entire face," Dan says as he rolls his eyes and pushes past Phil to get into the theater. "I'm fine."

Dan doesn't notice Phil sheepishly following him into the theater, a deep blush on his cheeks.

Dan also doesn't notice Penny pulling Phil aside and whispering something in his ear.

He's too busy rushing down the aisle between the rows and rows of red theater seats, a determined scowl on his face.



The short woman scribbling furiously on her clipboard turns around as soon as she hears Dan step on to the stage.

"What is it, Dan?" She sighs, adjusting her bright pink glasses. "I'm very busy and I would appreciate it if—"

"Camera Guy—er, um, Phil—has to go. Today." Dan demands, crossing his arms.

Diana shoots him a confused look as she walks briskly across the stage, checking off things on her clipboard. "Who exactly are you to make that call? And with what reasoning?"

Dan follows her, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. "He's...well..." he stomps his foot and throws his hands up in exasperation. "He's just not right for my play company! Yesterday during my interview he completely—"

"Your play company?" Diana scoffs incredulously, looking up at the red velvet curtains. Leave it to Diana to make you feel unimportant compared to whatever else she's dealing with at the moment. "I know you're the lead, Dan, but come on—"

"Just get rid of him!" Dan interjects, his voice raising more than he meant it to.

Diana spins around on her heel and glares up at Dan. Her harsh eyes make even Dan shut his mouth and take a step back.

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