Part 12

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Samuel’s horse was not as fast as the others. They were on, and needed to stay on, the Essen road.

Paul jeered at Samuel, “Come on hangman, or is a rope tugging you backwards, maybe a hangman’s noose.”

“It’s this blasted mount, I think it’s only got three legs.”

“Look,” said Paul, “Philo and I will ride ahead to see if we can catch him. You catch up. See ya.”

Samuel looked quite upset as he tried to make his nag go a little faster by kicking its ribs. The horse whinnied a little but carried on at the same pace.

Jimmy peeped over a hedge to look at the Krupps factory. It was busy with workers cleaning the place in preparation for the visit. There was no extra presence of soldiers, just the gate guards. He did think of dressing like a worker and sneaking onto the premises, but his lack of German or any inkling of what he would do inside stopped him. However he was still thinking about ways in which he could fling a knife at the spy if May and the others failed when he heard a sound. Ducking behind the hedge he saw a fox chasing a rabbit. Thinking of himself as the fox it would mean that the spy was the rabbit. The fox caught its prey, still struggling in its mouth, then started for its den. Crouching he made his way over to the tree cover.

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