Part 21

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“Jimmy,” she cries.


“Get ready to take the documents back to the border.”

Confused, Jimmy asks, “I thought we had to get them here?”

“A change of plans.”

“Is Paul coming with me?”

“No, this time you do it on your own.”

Jimmy looks most upset as he upends the tumbler into his mouth then stands up, “I don’t like this. We risk our necks to get the blasted things here and then you want me to race back to the border with them. They’ll be looking for me.”

Anastasia looks uneasy and doesn’t know what to say.

Paul pokes his head in, “Why don’t you tell him the truth dear?” he says in a sarcastic tone.

Jimmy looks Anastasia in the eye, “What truth?”

“Er,” she begins, “we need you to be a decoy for a more important mission.”

Starting to look concerned Jimmy wonders, “I thought this was the mission of national importance?”

“I’m sorry, but the plans were never in danger of being captured by the Germans. We needed a diversion so that we could get Rider Haggard out of the prison near Essen.”

“I’ve heard that name before,” thinks Jimmy as he strokes his chin.

“He is the writer, he was captured by German entrepreneurs in West Africa. He was spying for the British to see if the Germans have imperial ambitions there.”

“Why couldn’t you tell us before? We could have helped you love.” Says Jimmy, his head cocked slightly.

“We needed a diversion to help Rider Haggard get out of prison because it is situated near a barracks.

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