Not even death could do us apart

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Your Beauty took me by storm
Your grace shone from your eyes
Your soul was a paralyzingly sight of truth
And that is why I loved you
you told me flaws
And I didn't mind
Cause I had said I wanted your all

So I danced with your demons
Sang with your angels
Made love with your spirit
And I said forever

Your touch was as soothing as your words
Your mind was as clear as water
I wanted you but you gave me more
You loved me even when I showed no remorse
But of  course
We knew nature would soon to take it course
And what was eating you inside would soon take you away
But from my mind your image will never fade
I said forever
And forever I meant

So I danced with your demons
Sang with your angels
Made love to you spirit
And I said forever

Today you lay for good
And it really bought down my mood
I couldn't take the thought of losing you
So instead I followed you
To be with you
Cause I said forever
And forever I meant

S.H.E.D.DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang