Oh Dep

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Ana came to me one day
And told me all her secrets
Of how she stays super skinny
And that's why she's so pretty

She said I should join her
Cause if I look like her I'd be pretty too
But one thing was striking
Is that how constant she was that I see this plan through

So I joined Ana
And believe me
Her workouts worked
All u needed was to work two fingers
Eating was still the same

Slowly I lost weight
Just like she promised
But now I wasn't feeling to well
I always felt sick to my stomach

Ana told me it was normal
That it was just a phase
I said okay
I had no energy to argue

I had no energy to do anything
I felt like a zombie
So I told Ana
I wanna stop

She said I couldn't
I'm addicted
It's too late
There's no turning back

And that was true
I tried and tried
But still had the desire to spew
I stopped talking to ana

And spoke to dep about it
Dep said I should just write my feelings
And it helped for a while
But people started to notice

Notice everything about me changing
They knew I was once Ana's friend
And now I chill with dep
Then dep said they're judging

They hate me
I was hurting
I didn't wanna hurt anymore
Dep gave me a way out

Dep said you conquered anorexia
But I'm depression
I'm what you are
I'm the girl u see in the mirror

I cried and cried till dep said its time
Then dep told me a story about life and death
And it went like this
I remember it cause it's the last thing I heard

Life and death have been lovers since the beginning of time
Life always gives gifts to death
And death keeps them forever
Dep told me I was the next gift

Being a gift made me feel better
So I stood on the chair
Looked out the window
And .... I was greeting death

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