Bases (rap)

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I thought I was done bleeding
but through my sleeves the blood is still seeping
My stomach's screaming
for a blade to cut the pain away
Cause maybe the key to happiness is through dying
Cause when u die u feel nothing
Feel nothing
It's like feeling me
Cause quiet frankly I'm nothing
Born to be the perfect example of imperfection
Maybe I show too much affection
Or non at all
Maybe I was built up just to fall
Nobody is perfect
Which means I'm somebody
Nobody must be happy cause they considered perfect
Well my name is aphe so I'm not worth it

Told I was nothing 
So I believed I was
Always thought that I was never worth the fuss
And I would be like a ball of fuzz
Played around then eventually lost

To be honest ,at first ,I was never the kid in the back of the class who stayed quiet all the time
I was always seated in the front
And always moved around
But didn't give a fuck
Cause the whole class was my squad
I was on my worst behavior
But my circle grew smaller 
As time went by
And realized I was surrounded by fake bitches
And one day I left the group
Told them that I would come back
Knowing I wouldn't come back
Cause fake bitches is something I can't stomach
Life went downhill
Only had 3 friends
And sometimes I would doubt my trust for them
Then things became hell
And on my sad feelings I would always dwell
And thinking about it All the time
Turned my eyes into well
I was hurting
Plenty tears no Kleenex
So I leave water marks all over my pillows
And my depression kept growing like willows
But ain't nobody know
Maybe lgo
But he just knows enough to just get him by
My expiration date is coming soon
So I thought I should write a verse or two
Before I hit my tomb

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