The Town

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"No! Lets not throw it, eh? Its a dangerous weapon your holdin', not a toy." Digger gently pried the boomerang out of Charlotte's fingers as quickly as he could, her aim was so bad he was worried he'd have to explain to Flag why some of his soldiers were missing limbs. Charlotte scratched the back of her neck gingerly,

"Sorry, I think I got a little over exited...", as soon as the words left Charlottes mouth she regretted it, Digger raised his eyebrows suggestively at her, about to make her blush even more than she already was, when Flag rudely interrupted his inappropriate comment. Ordering the squad to follow close behind, the Colonel led the soldiers further into the heart of the silent town under the cover of almost absolute darkness.

Leaves crunched under the groups feet despite their soft footfalls, even Harley didn't speak as she looked around the desolate surroundings, hoping for some sign of life. So she could destroy it.

Floyd was first to break the tense silence by laughing awkwardly, unnerved by the seemingly abandoned town. The time was barely seven in the evening yet, despite the street being in pristine condition, it lacked any sign of life whatsoever. "Is it just me, or does this place give you guys the heebie-jeebies?" he looked around the group, asking note of the uneasy expressions on the soldiers faces and confirmed to himself, "Nope, not just me." Charlotte chuckled and wacked Floyd over the back of the head lightly, "you're not helping!"

The group, who'd previously been walking at a decent pace, suddenly came to a halt, Boomerang and Croc cursing loudly as they walked into the backs of the soldiers in front of them, "What the hell did you stop for?" Croc snarled, as he glanced ahead of the group, he immediately stopped growling and tilted his head in perturbed confusion.

A man in his late thirty's stood ahead, in the middle of the empty road, in all aspects of his appearance he was perfectly manicured, so perfect in fact, that he gave off a plastic sheen, like a child's doll. He wore smart shoes, black trousers and a white shirt, tucked at the waist, his arms were held regimentaly behind his back. His teeth were an almost luminescent white, his smile stretched painfully across his cheeks, creating deep creases in his pristine skin. A stitched smile.

"Wha' the bloody hell..." Digger began, positioning himself slightly in front of Charlotte protectively, who'd already three knifes levitating above her head, ready to strike on her command.

The plastic man spoke, his voice mechanical and forced, devoid of all emotion or personality, "Why hello there, friends, what are you all doing out past curfew?"

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