Chapter 6

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Abbi Remington's P.O.V.

"What  were you thinking? your such a dumb ass Noah, if she hated u before I would hate to see how she is when she wakes up!" what was he thinking?? She wanst fully his mate yet he knew the second bit might hurt her! Noah sat in front of me looking like he had just lost his dog.

"I dont know Abilene! she wouldnt-"

"wouldn't what? she wouldn't submit to you like Carissa? You should fucking know Noah, shes not like the rest of them!" Of coarse the fates would give him someone like me, and i love it that shes like me. she puts him in his place. I love my cousin but he needs this, he needs to know that he isn't 'gods gift to woman'. As if to hear my thoughts Noah looks up toward the doorway where Lee was standing. Oh, god he took my breath away still. He smiled his little crooked smile, he was wearing loose fitting blue jeans and a black Hurley tshirt. Down his right arm you can see his sleeve tatto's that (I'm quoting "it was Hazing into the family, see all of us boys got them") yeah that was a dark day in our house. It wasn't the point that I was mad that they got them, it was the point that they didn't tell me before they kidnapped my husband the day after our wedding.

"Whats wrong baby?" Lee asked walking over to me. I know this sounds gross but i smelled him before i actually saw him, he smelled so damn good.

"This....."gods gift to woman"" yes I used quotation marks. "Marked Casey twice! And he damn well knew he wasn't fully mated yet."

Lee waited a second before he spoke. He wrapped his arm around my waist rubbing his hand in little circles on my belly.

"You have a lot to learn. You intentionally marked my baby niece twice knowing that you could hurt her, the only reason I'm not about to beat your ass is because your her mate and Abilene would severely hurt me. So I'm letting you deal with this on your own."

Lee spoke straight to him, not flinching when Noah made faces at him. I completely agree with my husband on this one. He needed to learn, Lee was Alpha and his word was law.

Noah nodded signaling that he understood.

"I have some business with your father for a while, so I was wondering if you could hold down the fort? Oh and My mother called again."

I rolled my eyes, ever since i found out that Marge was his mother Ive kind of been avoiding her, it turns out that the 'rent' i was paying she put in a college fund for Wade. Not that I'm ungrateful for it, i just wished she just would have told me ahead of time. If you haven't caught on i the kind of person for planning and schedules.

"I know, I know Ill call Marge tomorrow."

Casey Remington's P.O.V.

Why did my head hurt so much? I opened my eyes a Little bit but the light was too much, I pulled the blanket more over my head, did I get in a bed? the last thing i remember was walking away from Noah and...that asshole.

"hey...?" that voice...

I jumped up quicker than i should have. Noah was sitting in the chair beside the bed, I lunged at him without thinking. Knocking Noah backwards I straddled him, smacking him; he sat there and just took it. My long hair was falling down around my face I could feel the tears falling but i didn't care. He hurt me on purpose and ill be damned if i let him hurt me because I wouldn't conform to what he wanted.

"Im sorry casey.." he spoke again.

"I don't care Noah! you know how I feel about my freedom and you bit me again on purpose! your not going to tell me what I can and cant do!" My anger was at its peak, i haven't been this mad since i saw my father kill that police man. Someone died because my father couldn't deal with being defeated.

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