Chapter 17- Blood for Blood

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Cover- Picture of Gareth

Mathias jumps out the car and gives me one more smirk before he leaves to go on the stage, Micah just rolls his eyes tapping on the window like he would rather be somewhere else

"I hate funreals like what is the point, the person is dead why celebrate or mourn them, like you get me right" he says, it's funny that I dont even have to ask him what he is thinking

"Never been to one, never want to, find them pointless aswell I guess" I say

"Then the wake dont get me started on those, like when I kill people I don't go to thier funerals, yeah Kyle was a friend but his dead, why mourn, I like seeing you get hurt but not by someone else hands, but it's a rictual" he says

I just shrug my shoulders, why argue with him when it ends with me getting throw like a rag doll "I'm just happy Jordan isn't coming, gosh that boy makes me angry, I should of killed him like why does he get witch blood, it makes me so angry"

And here he goes again "your a pureblood though" I say

Hw is being selfish, I'm human, If I get hurt I don't heal in a second, I don't have unhuman speed or sense, I can't compel people to do what I want and I can die by a blow to the head, but I wouldn't want to be a vampire I would rather die then have no humanity or knowing I have to drink blood to survive

"Yeah, but the only thing that gives me is being stronger and I don't die that easily, plus I don't need a ring since the sun doesn't burn me but if Jordan dies he will be powerful, he can kill me with a spell" he says

"So why didn't you just leave him alone it's your fault for starting this war" I Say

I wince when he garbs my jaw almost crushing it in his hands, I back away when I relise how close he has gotten but a part of me still can't get over the feelings and sparks I once had with him "He told the hunters about me, his the reason my parents are dead, just like your getting punished for Kyles death, I punished him for my parents"

"So you turned him then killed his girlfriend and unborn child, isn't that a little too far" I say

"Well I sort of turned my humanity off, and when you first do that you pretty much turn into a evil monster, for example why nick tried to drain his only friend" he says

"Being a vampire must suck then if you had the choice what would you be" I ask

His eyes soften, am I getting the nice Micah back or is this some annoying trick "I like the powers and being strong, when I was a young boy I was always smaller and weaker I was teased, but when I grew into a teenager I got stronger, taller, I was no longer the victim, U used my power to help people, but when my parents died I turned into the opposite, I would rather be immortal, a human that doesn't age, I have seen the world, seen things that made me happy to be alive if I was I'm human I wouldn't be some abomination, I don't like being unique, I down like being prince, I spite you, that's why I took you, you had the life I wanted, Mabey that's why I tried so hard to ruin that" he says

I just stare at him shocked, it's obvious vampires have heighten emotions, they feel anger and hurt more then humans would, but does that explain what Micah had done it me "I can't forgive" I mumble quietly

"And I can't forgive you either, just forget we had that moment, I can't love you and you can't love me the second I fall for you again you will be thrown into more dangerous hands, believe it or not your safer with me, Gareth wants you to feel the most pain anyone has even felt, Mathias wants to have pay back for hunters and Jordan wants to use you to get back at me and there are vampires with out a coven they are just savage" he says

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