1: Curly Hair and Tattoos

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"Belle! You gotta get up!"

Rolling over from my comfortable position in bed and opening up my eyes, I see my best friend Jess standing at the foot of my bed with her arms crossed over her chest.

"How'd you get in here?" I mumble, ignoring her request as I stay in my warm bed, stretching my arms.

"You leave a spare key in the pot plant next to your door, remember?" She says throwing the key onto the blanket.

"Oh, yeah." I say in embarrassment, how could I forget that?

"Anyway, you gotta get up. Class starts in half an hour, and you've got maths," she tells me as she begins to walk out the door.

"Jess! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!" I yell as I attempt to chuck a pillow at her, but my bad coordination makes it miss her completely. She laughs slightly and picks it up and throws it on the bed.

"I'm not your personal alarm clock! Just get ready." She says as she shakes her head and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I groan and get out of the bed, yawning as I walk over to my closet. I look around my small room. It contains a double bed, closet, draws, a small table, a small kitchen area and a bathroom which you get to through a door to the right of my bed. They really need to get better accommodation at universities. I shrug off my thoughts as I pull open the door and start to go through my clothes. I look out the small window to my right see grey clouds and cold looking weather, usual weather for Cambridge in the middle of the year.

I focus my attention back to my closet and take out a red plaid shirt, black singlet and some light jeans. I pull out some new underwear and bra too. I quickly strip off my pyjamas, and place on my new clothes for today. I leave the plaid shirt unbuttoned, and walk into the bathroom. I go to the small sink and quickly brush my teeth, knowing that I won't have time for a full breakfast today. I look behind me at the clock in my room, to see that I have 20 minutes until class.

I quickly apply some foundation, mascara and a thin layer of eye liner, adding a small bit of lip gloss as well.

I take my light brown hair out of the bun that it is in, and quickly brush through the knots. I decide to leave it as it is, just quickly putting it up into a loose pony tail.
I look into the mirror to see my blue, almost grey eyes staring back at me. I've never been fond of my eyes, they just seem to boring. I quickly scold myself for getting distracted and walk back into the room, slipping on some black flats and grabbing an apple for the walk to class.

I grab my bag, which luckily I packed last night, my phone, and the spare key Jess threw on my bed and quickly walk out of the door, locking it, and placing it back in the pot plant. I start walking down the long corridor full of other dorms like my own.

I attend the university of Cambridge, the place I have wanted to attend since I was 13. I only started at the start of this year, and the only person I knew attending was Jess, since we both moved from Oxford. We have already made a ton of friends, which will make these next three years really enjoyable.

I take a bite of my apple as I walk out of the dorm building and follow the path through the gardens to the main building. I quicken up my pace as I look at my phone, seeing that I have 5 minutes to get to my first class. I walk through the long corridors of the old building and finally make it to the door of my maths class. I throw my apple core into the bin and walk through the door, sighing in relief as I see students taking their seats in the small lecture hall. I quickly walk in and take a seat in the third row, getting out all the things I will need for today. I wave at my friend Brad as he takes a seat next to me. He has blonde shaggy hair, and brown eyes. He is quite attractive, but I could never like him like that, he's basically a brother to me.

The teacher comes in and starts the lecture. The whole lesson flies by and before I know it, I hear the bell go off, signalling that the lesson has ended. I quickly pack up my notes and place my bag over my shoulder, walking out of the room slowly since my next lesson, writing, is only around the corner.

"Belle!" I hear from behind me. I turn to see Jess walking up to me quickly

"Yeah?" I ask her curiously.

"Have you seen the new guy?" She asks with a smile on her face.

"No, I didn't know there was one." I told her truthfully. Why would someone start in the middle of the year?

"There is and oh my god he is hot," she says giggling like a 13 year old. "He has brown curly hair and amazing green eyes! Oh my god and his arms! They're massive! He must work out, And he has so many tattoos!" She continues.

"What's his name?" I ask her.

"I dont know. He didn't talk to anyone in class." She says furrowing her eyebrows a bit.

"Well I have to get going, so let me know if you figure out his name!" I say to her with a laugh.

"I will!" She says as she gives me a thumbs up and turns around, quickly walking off to her class.

I turn left and quickly walk into the small classroom, taking a seat second row from the back, closest to the window. I sit in silence as I watch the students come in one by one, causing the room to soon get quite loud. Ms. Sterling, the old, grey-haired teacher eventually comes in and quiets everyone down.

"Okay, today we will start off by writing-" Ms. Sterling begins but is interrupted by the classroom door being opened. All our attention goes towards the door, to see a student, one who I have never seen before, walking in.

My breath gets caught in my throat as I take in the appearance of this boy. He has brown, slightly curly hair which is slicked up at the front. He is wearing a plain white t-shirt, paired with some black skinny jeans. This must be the boy that Jess told me about, as he fits the description she gave perfectly.

"Ah, you must be the new student, correct?" Ms. Sterling asks as she eyes the boy, who stands at the door.

"Yes, sorry I'm late, I had trouble finding my way around." The boys says simply in a low, slow voice.

"Very well, could please take a seat somewhere available so I can continue this lesson?" The teacher asks as the boys eyes scan around the room for a spare seat. His stare stops right at me, licking his lips slightly. I gulp as he continues to look.

"Sure thing. Thank you Ms. Sterling." He says as he begins to walk towards me. I look to my left and curse at myself for taking the seat next to the only spare spot in class. I see some girls trying to get this mystery guys attention. Some of them waving, some others leaning down to show their cleavage, but the boy just continues his stare, ignoring them and walking up to me.

I look up at him and my eyes widen. This boy looks even better up close. My eyes scan his body quickly. Jess was right, his arms are massive! And the tattoos make them look even better!

"Can I sit here?" I snap my eyes up to his face, my cheeks heating slightly as he smirks a little, obviously catching my stares at him.

"Uh, yeh." I say quietly as I lower my head, avoiding his gaze. I hear him pull the chair back and take a seat. Ms. Sterling continues talking.

I tap my pen against the edge of the table and turn my attention towards the window next to me. The sky is dark and it looks like it's about to rain. Ms. Sterling is going on about Shakespeare, a subject which I really am not a fan of.

I hear a low cough from beside me. I stop tapping my pen and turn my head, seeing the new boy looking at me. I wait for him to speak, but he just continues his stare, not opening his mouth once.

"It's rude to stare at people you know." I tell the boy in a whisper, making sure he heard me.

"Says the girl who was staring at me earlier!" He replies, with a small smile on his face.

"I wasn't staring, I was, looking." I lie.

"Sure." he says sarcastically with a nod of his head.

"Anyway, why did you interrupt me?" I ask him, referring to him coughing at me not long ago.

"I wouldn't call it interrupting. All you were doing is looking out the window, tapping your pen." He tells me. I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Anyway, I was just going to ask what your name was," he continues.

"Oh." I say with a small nod turning my body to face him more.

"It's Isabella, but everyone calls me Belle. And you?" I ask with a small smile.

"Isabella, that's a pretty name for a pretty girl," he says with a cheeky grin. I can feel my cheeks go red as I shake my head slightly.

"And my name is Harry. And I'm sure we will be seeing a lot of each other." He tells me smoothly just as the bell goes. He gets up out of his seat and swiftly swings his backpack over his shoulder, before walking out of the classroom, quickly sending me a wink as he walks out the door.

My eyes widen and everyone's heads turn to me, obviously seeing the action Harry just gestured.

Well that was interesting


yay ok that's the first chapter! It's kinda short and boring but I haven't posted anything so I thought this would be a good starter

if you want you could follow me on twitter that'd be pretty rad.
btw it's @niftynarry

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