3: A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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Different chapter 3

Previously on "Different"

"I said that the taxi is here, c'mon lets go." She says with a grin as she grips my hand and pulls me out of the room. I quickly shake off her hand as I lock the door, but once finished, she grabs my arm and drags me down the hallway.

I turn my head back towards my door just as Harry walks out of his. He looks my way, a tilted smile forming on his lips. His right eye lid drops into a wink quickly, before Jess pulls me out the door into the chilly night.

Tonight is going to be interesting.


"I'm nervous." Spills Jess as we get out of the taxi. I hand him the cash and he drives off as soon as it's in his hand.

I turn to the house and immediately see body's squeezing through the front door.

"Why are you nervous?" I ask her with slight amusement. Just 10 minutes ago she was saying how excited she was.

"I don't know."

I grab her hand tightly to give her comfort, and we both walk to the door.

"It's just a party Jess, and who knows, you could end up with Mr. Perfect." I tell her with a laugh, referring to Connor.

"God I hope so," she says with a wide grin.

We both make our way to the front door, trying not to fall over in our heels.

Me make it to the front door, luckily not falling, and walk inside.

The smell of a mixture of sweat and alcohol hit me like a ton of bricks as soon as we were inside.

"Let's go find Connor!" Jess squealed as she grabs my and drags me through the crowded bodies.

"There's heaps of people, I doubt we will find him." I tell her as her eyes look frantically around the crowds.

"Wait! He's probably in the kitchen!" She says with a grin and starts walking and I follow behind. I start to zone out about, and look around at the dancing bodies around me.

"Connor! Hey!" I hear Jess say calmly as we walk into the crowded kitchen. I turn my head back towards her and see her let go of my hand and give Connor a hug. Poor girl must be dying right now.

"Nice to see you to Jess, glad you could make it!" Connor says to the giggling girl. His eyes then land on me and he smiles.

"Belle! Good to see you!" Connor says as he brings me in for a hug. I reluctantly hug back, knowing Jess is watching. I end the hug quickly and pull back.

"Yeah, nice to see you too." I say with a smile and a nod.

"Would you ladies like a drink?" Connor asks as he walks over to the fridge and opens it up.

"Yeah, sure." Jess answers immediately, she looks at me and smiles.

"We'll have whatever you're having," she adds on.

I watch Connor as he takes three bottles of beer in his hands and turns back around to us, closing the fridge with his foot.

"Well I'm having a beer, but they're are plenty of other drinks around the place top, so help yourself whenever," he tells us with a grin as he hands us a beer each.

Jess starts a conversation up with him, so I take that as my cue to leave. I turn around, drink in hand, and walk out of the kitchen.

If it's possible, more people have squished into the big space where the main party is happening. Dancing bodies surround me as I walk through, taking sips of my drink, really having no idea where I'm going.

"Fancy seeing you here," a voice suddenly whispers into my ear behind me, making me jump and spill my drink down my top and fall back into something, or someone.

"Shit". The voice says behind me. I quickly turn around to see non other than Harry, with a drink of some sort down his top.

He smirks at my as his eyes go over my body, chuckling a little as well.

"Looks like we both need to clean up," he says in amusement.

"Yeah, looks like we do." I say with a small laugh as I scratch my neck.

"Sorry about falling into you, and making you spill your drink," I add on with a small smile.

"It's alright, sorry for scaring you and making you spill your drink as well." He says.

"Don't worry about it, it should dry." I reassure him.

"We could go outside, it's surprisingly warm actually, that could dry our clothes faster." He suggests.

"I don't know.." I say warily.

"C'mon, I don't bite, unless you're into that sort of stuff," he says with a wink afterwards.

"Fine." I say with a smile ignoring his perverted comment.

"Wait, you want to go outside with me or you want me to bite you?" He asks with a cheeky grin.

"Outside!" I say with a laugh. He laughs in return and takes my hand in his. I feel my cheeks heat up as he leads me through the crowd, towards the back door.

He opens it as soon as we get there, and we are greeted with the very nice looking backyard. Fairy lights hang from trees and different music from inside is playing. It actually really looks pretty.

Harry leads me to a seat under the lights by a big tree.

"Well doesn't this look quite romantic." I say with a smile as we both sit down.

Harry laughs along and looks up and around, taking in the view.

"I guess it does," he says with a grin.

"Was this your plan? Make me spill my drink on myself, take me outside and make a move?" I say to him as I turn my face to his, to see he is already looking at me.

"Wow you caught me!" He says with a laugh. He stops suddenly, his face losing it's grin as he moves in closer next to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, my voice coming out quieter than I thought it would.

"I'm making a move, since it's apparently the next step on my plan." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"Ha-ha." I laugh sarcastically as I shake my head at him. He smiles crookedly and laughs in return, making me smile.

"C'mon, loosen up! A little party never killed nobody right?" He says with a grin.

I just stare at him as he laughs a little. Of course he would make a reference like that right now.

"So, I never imagined you to be a party type of girl?" He tells me with amusement.

"Really? Why would you think that?" I ask him curiously, slightly amused.

"Well first off, you work in a library," he starts but I interrupt him.

"Wait, how do you know I work in a library?"

"I'm not stupid Isabella, I've seen you looking at me in the library everyday." He says with a laugh.

It takes me awhile to process what he just says. What does he mean I've been looking at him in the li- oh! He's the library boy!

"Remember now?" He speaks, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah." I say with a small smile, slightly embarrassed that he knows I've been staring at him.

"Don't be embarrassed, if I were you I'd be staring at me too." He says confidently with a grin.

"Up yourself much?"

"Up myself, confident, call me either I really don't mind."

"What have you been doing anyway? In the library?" I ask him curiously, changing the subject. He turns his head away slightly, looking uncomfortable.

"Um, nothing." He says flatly.

"Aw, does Harry have a diary?" I tease him, which seams to have been the wrong idea.

He looks harshly at me.

"No, that's stupid." He spits, before standing up suddenly and walking off

"Harry I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." I say as I stand and following quickly behind him.

"Just leave it Isabella," he says as he walks a little faster, turning around the corner of the brick house.

"Harry just stop." I tell him as I walk around as well. He stops suddenly and turns around to face me.

He smirks slightly, before speaking.

"You're different," he tells me quietly, slowly walking towards me.

"What?" I ask him confused. What is he talking about?

"You Isabella, you're different from everyone else." He says

"Well, I could say the same about you." I tell him with a small laugh. He chuckles lightly before stepping closer.

"But you know what?" He asks with a small smirk. He steps even closer, so I start to back away.

"What?" I ask, my voice coming out barely as a whisper. He steps closer and I take a step backwards, making my back hit the brick wall of the outside of the house. I close my eyes as he moves his face towards mine.

My breath stops as I feel his lips brush lightly against my ear. "I like that." He says slowly.

I open my eyes, not really knowing what to say, but as soon as they open, he is no where in site.

"Harry?" I call out, walking out from the side of the house.

This boy has to be bipolar I swear. One minute he was pissed off at me, and then he just goes and stands literally 1 centimetre away from me, telling me that I'm different and he likes that?

Ugh, I need a drink.


A/N: okay sorry about the long wait omg I'm terrible at writing it literally takes me like a month to write a chapter :/

I also apologise for any grammar/spelling mistakes I'm not the best at proof reading :)

Anyway, I hope this is okay and if you like it comment and vote and if you didn't like it comment and vote anyway ;)

I think I'm gonna start these cos I would really like this book to get some more reads, sorry if it's annoying!

If we could please try and get this chapter to get 50 votes and 30 comments?? I know that's kinda high but I think we can do it :)

Oh and I might not update for awhile because im going on holidays for three weeks overseas, but I have wifi so I might be able to update once :)


Different // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now