Chapter 1 the beginning of the end

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Agh where am I? I thought and I tried to get up but pain flared through my backbones what...happened... And my thoughts were wisked away by the voice of a friend I knew all to well "ink! Ink! Where are you?!" Dream called "I'm right over here" I replied. Dream ran to me and- oh you are probably wondering who me and dream are well we are both sans's from different AU's and what are AU's you ask? AU stands for Alternate Universe so me and dream sans are from AU's. There are other AU's as well some of them have friendly/funny sans's like freshtale but others are more evil like underfell. I'm from inktale an AU full of artists of all shapes and forms and I could go on and on about the other AU's but we need to get back to the story. "Ink I have been looking for you for ages! What happened?!?!" Dream asked "I don't know I just woke up here in a pile of rubble and in pain" I replied and dream stuck of his hand to help me up, I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet "you look pretty beat up" dream said "I feel beat up" I replied. "You think it may have been nightmare?" He asked "I think so" I replied "we should walk while we talk" I continued "and keep trying to find cross" dream finished now you may be wondering who cross is. He is another sans from crosstale who recently went missing and we have been trying to find him for some time now and we keep getting leads but only find destruction in every AU. Before he finds us I though and we walked away from the rubble of the building and I snapped my fingers (a fun trick I know) and we were instantly teleported to the next AU. " ugh...underfell" said dream " it's not that bad maybe we can get fell sans and fell pap to help us" I said and dream nodded so we walked through the dense forest to the underfell Snowdin. That was when we saw cross and fell fighting in the middle of the clearing "you can't dodge my attacks forever" said cross "heh I don't need to" said fell and fell created a massive red gaster blaster and fired it at cross when suddenly a massive knife appeared in cross's hand and he deflected the blast back at fell "fell!" I shouted and fell teleported out of the way "neat trick" said fell "you like my knife?" Said cross "no" the three of us said in unison "that's to bad" said cross "because this will be the blade that finishes each of you and destroys every AU" he finished. Me and dream charged at cross me with my giant paintbrush (odd weapon I know) and dream with his dream sword and dream swung at cross but he easily dodged and I painted 10 lines through the air and they glowed and flew at cross and since cross was distracted by dream he didn't even see the lines coming and they smashed into him sending him stumbling through the snow he growled and said "this is one heck of an unfair fight" and disappeared. Dream and I looked at each other then teleported to the next AU.

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