chapter 4 SAVE

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As I ran towards the building I thought about what cross was doing to dream will cross kill him? Will dream be forced to work for cross? The thought made me run faster. I ran through the halls and I heard a sound that made me stop in my tracks. It sounded like froggits exept distorted and I stopped in my tracks as four froggits blocked the way, but something was wrong. They were twitching and they were red and blue, I slowly took my paintbrush off my back and pointed it at the froggits. One lunged at my and I slashed it across the face and it jumped back and hissed at me that should have killed it i thought as it lunged at me again. I swiped it again and this time it stumbled back but it didn't turn to dust, it just disappeared. The other three jumped at me and I painted two large lines across the hall and they flew at the froggits and like the other they just disappeared leaving no trace. I once again ran through the hall and after a while I could faintly hear cross talking and I ran in the direction of cross. When I got to the room I hid behind a wall and watched cross and dream. "I have had second thoughts about keeping you as a slave" cross said, dream looked absolutely miserable "I have decided to dispose of you instead" cross said as he lifted his knife over dream and dream closed his eyes. "no!" I yelled as I ran towards cross and both of them looked at me in suprise. I was about to swing my brush at cross when suddenly something grabbed my arms and tied around me. "Y-you are-nt go-ing a-nywhere" said a distorted voice. I tried to break free but the more I struggled the tighter the strings got and whoever had me slammed me against a wall "you should be dead!" Cross said as he walked towards me "no one survives that drop!" He yelled "yeah well I did" I retorted "why did you come back?" Cross said "for dream and your gonna give him to me" I said angrily and without even realizing it both my eyes glowed and the strings loosended and I took the opportunity to break free and rushed at cross who was to shocked to react in time and I slammed into him. "Never mess with me and my friends again" I said "oh wait I'm gonna kill you!" I said as I ran at cross and swung my brush at him and he blocked it with his knife. Me and cross battles for what seemed like hours and both of us were exhausted and cross loosed his grip on his knife and I instantly swung my brush at his knife sending it flying across the room and cut through the strings keeping dream in place and he stood up "your gonna have a really really bad time" dream said as he swung his sword at cross which sliced into his shoulder and cross let out a scream of pain as blood splattered onto dream and dream pushed the sword in more and cross let out another scream. I walked up to cross who was now on his knees with a sword in his shoulder and crouched beside him "this is why you never mess with my friends" I said and painted some spikes which glowed and floated. Cross looked at them, his eyes filled with fear as two of the spikes impaled him, the third flew at him and tears filled his eyes and though I regretted doing it I stopped the spike a mere inch from cross' face and dream and cross looked at me confused "go on kill him!" Dream said and as much as I hated saying it I said "no" and dream looked at me angry "what'd ya mean no?!" Dream said "cross has surrendered and we can't kill someone who has surrendered, but! We will not be letting him just run off" I said "what will we do with him? Dream asked "we will lock him up in the void and if he escapes every AU will have the right to kill him" I answered and I grabbed cross by the scarf and began to drag him away. where is that weird thing with the strings? I wondered as I dragged cross outside with dream and the three of us teleported to the void where I summoned a cage with a floor and roof made out of titanium and bars made out of lasers and put cross inside who sat miserably in the corner. Me and dream teleported back to the surface and I realized we still had a problem "where did that weirdo with the strings go?" I asked "no idea" dream said and he was still covered in blood which glistened in the sunlight and made him look like a demon. "I think you should wash up" I said and dream looked at himself then looked at me "you look just as bad" dream said and i looked at myself only now realizing just how bad I was hurt. I was covered in blood and my clothes were torn to shreds. I laughed and said "I think we both have had a long day as we teleported to inktale and walked through Snowdin to grillby's. When we walked in everyone in the bar turned to us and some gasped, others just sat there with there mouths agape. "What happened?!" Papyrus said as he ran over to me "you look aweful!" He continued "we...killed cross" I lied and the bar broke out in cheering "brilliant!' Papyrus said "you should get washed up, go to waterfall and see Undyne" he finished and dream and I nodded and walked out of the bar which was still booming with cheering and we walked to waterfall "undyne?" I said and a warrior clad in armour holding a spear landed in front of us and took off their helmet. "Ink?" Undyne said and she dropped her helmet and hugged me staining her armour with blood and I heard a crack "I think you broke my spine" I said and Undyne let go of me "sorry" she said "no problem" I said "you two look awefull! Don't worry il wash the blood off you then il get you new clothes" Undyne said and jumped into the water "what is she doing?" Dream asked as a tidal wave rose up and slammed into us removing all the blood "huh" dream said and Undyne jumped out of the water "wait there" Undyne said as she ran off in the direction of her house. When she came back she was holding brand new copies of our clothes and she threw them to us "thanks" me and dream said in unison. Dream and I walked through Snowdin with our new clothes on and chatted "so as I was saying, where do you think that guy with the strings is" I asked dream "no idea" dream said and we laughed and teleported to the next AU.

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