Part 1

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Natsu's POV
"Hey Luce! Theres a new job, we have to take down a dangerous group called The Seven Deadly Sins they don't seem tough. The main leader is a kid so this'll be easy peasy!"

"Natsu the key word in your sentence is dangerous and I'm not killing a kid. We're not doing it I have to pay my rent so find a better job will you?"

"The reward money is 20 million"


"Yeah me and Erza too I have to practice some new techniques." Gray says out of nowhere. He wasn't even inside the guild!

"Me too! I don't want to be left out." Gosh I wonder how Wendy is a child but is powerful enough to take down a village.

"Okay then lets start going apparently they're always on the move to different places. They should be freeing one of their members from a nearby prison." We all packed the stuff we have which I have to say my stuff is a scarf and a small sweater I'm wearing. They apparently killed the king, freed Ban from prison, and are planning on freeing someone else.

Elizabeth's POV

"Meliodas I made some soup for you"

"Thanks Elizabeth you're the best!" I gently squeeze her butt making her blush.

"MELIODAS STOP IT! YOU NEVER DO THAT TO ME!" Diane shouts. If she didn't force me to touch her I would be doing it.

"Is there any soup left for me or did fatty here take it all?" Ban assumes.

"Yes I made extra for everyone else." Elizabeth says while making a warm smile. She hands out soup for everyone but since Diane is a giant she asked King to put a spell on the bowl to make it bigger. She shouldn't be doing all this for us I mean she was the one who healed us during the biggest battle, I would've died if she didn't. Well right now we might get in another one since were kidnapping the last sin.

"We should be arriving to the village tomorrow so remember to be friendly to everyone and get information on the prison. But now we need a break so tonight we're having a party!" We all need this but the party is more for Elizabeth she sometimes cries about her older sister being 'dead' so we invited her to come to surprise Elizabeth.

AHH! I'm so excited by writing this I really wish that they would make this a actual anime. Who wouldn't want to see two badass anime groups have a battle to the death! (I swear there's something wrong with me) Baii xoxo~

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