Part 3

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Natsu's POV

" Finally..we're here....I'm never- riding a train for the rest of my life!" Why do they always make me go on things which make my motion sickness kick in. "Well at least we made it to Lulip Village it's bigger than expected." As I get off the train Luce was in front of me so I tripped on a pebble and fell on her but it was an accident! "Natsu get off of me!!!" I grab onto a object and get up. "Umm sir... What are you doing?" This light voice says I look at her face and see a girl blushing she was wearing a pinkish vest shirt thing, a skirt, and one leg with legging.

"Sorry about that I didn't mean to grab your uhh...." My face turned blood red I accidentally grabbed to what I thought was a rock was actually her right boob. "Natsu you perv!" Luce kicked me in so hard I fell back again except this time on top of Erza.. I'm dead. Erza picks me up and throws me all the way down a road.

"Soo sorry about that Natsu is always doing this."

"It's fine I was actually going to ask you for directions. Me and my friends are trying to find a store called Magic Juice" 

"Since we should make it up to you we can help you find it" Lucy states with a smile making her seem friendlier than she is.

"Thank you so much you're very kind!" She says sweetly her voice is a bit high pitched making it sound cute when she speaks.

"No problem that's just what we do" Happy and Charle say at the same time which is kinda creepy.

"TWO KITTEN THAT CAN TALK?!" The girl excitedly grabs Happy and starts hugging him.

"We can fly- too" Happy sounds like he's in pain.

"This tomcat is Happy and I'm Charle" Charle says while giggling.


Elizabeth's POV

"Meliodas! I found this group of people they gave me directions to the shop. I forgot to mention they also had...TWO TALKING KITTENS THAT CAN ALSO FLY!"

"That seems to make you happier than the time you met me" Hawk says with a tears in his eyes. "Of course not you're my best friend Hawky I love you way more than Happy and Charle" I give him kisses to remind him he's more special than flying talking kittens. (A/N I would be lying if I were Eli) "Good thing you found them then did you get their names by any chance?" Meliodas said that nervously is something wrong? "I think two of their names were Lucy and Natsu they were kind to me and Natsu touched my boob by accident" Now Meliodas moved his hand to his back and grabbed his sword.

"Elizabeth where is Natsu right now?" Meliodas laughed a little when he said that but his face is of pure anger.

"No it wasn't like that Meliodas! He didn't mean to it was an accident please don't hurt him he got kicked and thrown already!" As I said that he was gone. Hopefully he doesn't hurt Natsu he was kind to me and apologized. We all went after Meliodas to find him talking to Lucy. "Wait a minute you're Meliodas aren't you?" I went in the middle of them, "Sir Meliodas please don't hurt anyone they helped me with directions" I squealed.  "Elizabeth get behind me he's a monster!" She grabbed my arm and moved me on her side. Why did she call him a monster?

I want to get to the main part on this so y'all don't get too bored but I guess not everyone got the word that they didn't kill the king. Or that they killed the most evil demon! Natsu Vs Meliodas will be the best battle I will ever write/experience. Baii xoxo~

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