Part 2

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Elizabeth's POV

"Meliodas this party is so much fun" Softly I say. Then this person walks in with a cloak covering their face and body. Are we in danger? "Elizabeth can you come with me to my room?" Wow I can't believe that Hawk is letting him so it must be important! "Ya" Did I just say Ya I never say that did I just embarrass myself in front of Meliodas? We walked up the stairs which make creaky noises and as we opened the door I heard "Surpise!" Huh? What? The person I saw in the cloak is there they take it off and as I see their face my heart stops. "VERONICA!!!" I run up to her not noticing her cast I hug her tightly that she wasn't able to breathe.

"I thought-you were gone.." I sadly state while my eyes start tearing up. "I wasn't Eli. You saved me as hard as you think it isn't true you did." How did I save her? It was my fault she got hurt in the first place. "You saved us too." Meliodas proudly says giving me a pat on the head. "Yeah Princess you saved so many people and we invited Veronica to the party just to surprise you" Ban states. Everyone came here to say thanks even the woman that saved my father we don't even talk.

"Thank you all so much you've made me a happier person than I was." We all group hugged and it was the best hug I've ever gotten.

Natsu's POV

"I can't make it to the...prison. Can we please- stop at the village" I hate motion sickness. "Well that's the plan the train doesn't go to the prison and neither does the carriage. So we'll walk to the prison." Thank you! I was just about to throw up but now I can be calmer. Calmer? I've never been calm so I'll still feel like a butt load of crap.

I really wish Hiro and Nakaba would just work together and boom. We have ourselves the best anime or movie or whatever they would make this be. Sorry I made Natsu's POV short I didn't know what else to add. So far I'm just so excited for writing the battle and I'm trying to make the both guilds go in the same place without me skipping everything.(I guess we can call SDS a guild) Baii xoxo~

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