Part 4

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Natsu's POV
"Huh so you really are just a kid" How can he be a danger to anyone? He's holding a broken sword but that's pretty much it. "Ha this is a coincidence. Hey sis long time no see. "Wait who's sis?" The thing is that after I said I felt a hard arm hit my forehead. "WHAT THE HELL!?" I puffed out flames from my mouth the hottest I could do at the time. I burned half of Elizabeth's clothes which caused me to bleed from my nose. "Natsu do me a huge favor and stop being a perv!" He knocked me down to a river the town folks had disgusted looks. "I didn't mean to but can YOU stop attacking me. I'm not the bad guy here." As I said that I slowly got more and more bigger, and hotter fire.

I blew it to where he was standing but as predicted he dodged it. While he had me distracted Lucy took Elizabeth to where Happy and Charle was.

"Lucy Chan~ you don't understand Meliodas is a good guy, he's not who you think he is."

"If that were true he wouldn't be fighting Natsu. ERZA! GRAY! NATSU NEEDS HELP!" Happy angrily stated. Erza and Gray told them to run and they shouldn't get involved because it's "two Gods fighting". What ever that means.

Elizabeth's POV

I don't understand what's happening. One second Natsu and Lucy are the nicest people I've met and now Natsu is fighting Meliodas. *BOOM* An explosion of rocks? That could only mean Diane.. uh oh NATSU'S IN TROUBLE! "Lucy you have to let go o me Diane plus Meliodas fighting one person can only lead to harm even to the villagers. If we don't stop this everyone will get seriously injured." Lucy stops walking and looks at me, she's crying so much I can't even bare to look at her. "Natsu can handle it.. He's stronger than any of you think." She says while sobbing, I don't get why she's crying. Did I say something? "Lucy everything will be fine there is no reason to cry right now we need to go stop the fight or who knows what'll happen."

"This isn't just hard for you, you know? Has your step brother and best friend ever fought to the death? No it hasn't ever happened to you."

Step brother? Her best friend is clearly Natsu but brother.. is Meliodas her step brother? "Meliodas is your step brother?" She nodded and more tears came from her eyes. "Another good reason to stop the fight so neither will get hurt, Lucy we have to do this."
HIYA! I know.. it's been weeks since I wrote anything! Buuuut I did at least write now.  If ya'll have ay suggestions please tell me. I wish Meliodas really was Lucy's step brother that would be freaking awesome. Baii xoxo~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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