Chapter 8

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I saw my surroundings come back into view when I pulled the black shirt off from over my head. I looked over at my attire for today.

Laid out on my bed was a dress shirt, slacks and, most importantly, my graduation gown.

Today is the day I graduate high school. It really seemed like it was only a few days ago I was a scared freshman.

I slipped on my shirt quickly buttoning it up.

I glanced at the clock. I only have five minutes to finish getting ready.

Great, I'm gonna be late for my own fucking graduation ceremony. I groaned and continued to get dressed.


Once I was dressed, I did a quick check at the mirror. My hair wasn't a mess, my tie was straight,- "Tyler! Hurry up! You're going to be late."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my graduation gown and slung it over my arm, running down the stairs as quickly as possible without tripping.

Mom, dad and I piled into the car and raced to the school, hoping to make it in time.

I saw the trees and houses race by as we did. It all seemed to have passed by as quickly as my years in high school.


Finally making it to the school, we clambered out of the car and headed to the school with minutes to spare.

Before I could escape my mom, she pulled me back, grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face her.

"My little boy is all grown up!" She talked with such happiness in her eyes, it actually made me crack a smile. I brought my hand up to my mother's hand which graced the side of my face.

"Mom, I'm not a little boy." I playfully teased her and laughed. With tears settling in her eyes she quickly fixed my collar over my gown, turned me around, and lightly shoved me forward.

"Go on, you don't want to be late now." I nodded and entered the school building.


I headed for the cafeteria, where all the graduates were to gather before the ceremony.

As soon as I entered, I was greeted by the gang. Brendon, Halsey, and Ryan lunged at me, all crushing me in a hug. I laughed and hugged them back struggling to breathe.

Once we all broke free from the suffocating hug, Jenna stepped forward. I couldn't be happier to see her. I pulled her in for the best kiss I could muster. She kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Alright, alright, save it for tonight love birds." Brendon, of course, had to ruin the moment. Jenna pulled away, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

Deja Vu (Joshler AU) {Inspired by "Heathens"} (#Wattys2016)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ