Chapter 22

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"So are you excited for the dance Lacey?" Mrs. Graves looked over her shoulder at me while she

stirred whatever was in the pot.

"I guess." I scratched some words out in my notebook and changed them.

"Are you and Luke still going together?"

"I don't think so." Mrs. Graves made what sounded like a disapproving sound and went back to

stirring the food in the pot. "Why does that upset you?"

"Uh, what?"

"The sound you made…" I sat up and looked at her. "It sounded like you were disapproving of us

not going together anymore."

"Oh it's not that, Honey. It's just that it's an awful shame that you two aren't going together


I looked down at my notebook, "Yeah…" I hunched over again and went back to writing. "An awful

shame." I could feel her looking at me over her shoulder again, but I ignored it.

"Well… You're not going to enjoy this bit of news then."

"They're coming over for dinner?" I closed my notebook around my pencil and looked up at Mrs.

Graves again. She hesitated before nodding. I sighed and stood up from my chair.

"Lacey… please-"

"If you're going to tell me to behave, keep in mind that I'm eighteen, not eight." Mrs. Graves

frowned and I walked up the stairs without another word. I sighed and dropped my notebook on my bed before I started to braid my hair without looking. I quickly finished the braid and plugged my Ipod into my stereo. The first song that came on was Monster by Paramore. I smiled to myself since I had been thinking about this song all day. I turned it up so it was loud enough to fill my room.

"You were my conscience." I sang the words as they spilled out from the speakers. I spun to my

closet and dug out my black and white striped sweater that I could wear as a dress or a shirt and tossed it onto my bed.

"I'll stop the whole world, I'll stop the whole world from turning into a monster." I quickly changed

into my dress and spun around as I sang along to the song. "I'll stop the whole world, I'll stop the whole world- Come in!" Some one had knocked on my door and I continued to whisper the words to myself as I spun around.

"Hey… Your mom told me to come up here… while the adults talked." Luke closed the door behind

him as he walked into my room.

"Okay." I didn't let Luke's presence bother me, I was in a good mood with Paramore drowning out

my thoughts.

"Are you… spinning?"



"Why not?"

"Fair enough." Luke sat on the bed and the song changed to Untouched by The Veronicas. "So uh…

do you think they planned this dinner on purpose?"

"Yupp." I heard a tapping on my window and I looked over to see Brian sitting in the tree smiling at

me. I sighed and clumsily walked over to the window. "Can I help you?"

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