Chapter 25

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~~~SOME SEXUAL CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~

*Lacey's Dream*

He pushed me back down onto the bed and kissed me again. I moaned against his mouth

when he thrusted into me. He started kissing my neck as he continued to thrust in and out of me. I was breathing heavy, almost to my climax. He moaned against my neck and I groaned and thrusted against his waist as he thrusted into me again. We both moaned again and he thrusted faster. I moaned and dug my nails into his shoulders and he thrusted harder.

I groaned and arched my back as I reached my climax. He moaned, reaching his climax as

well, and thrusted harder one more time. I moaned again before I moaned his name. "Brian."

*End of Dream*

I shot up in bed and panted, trying to get my breathing under control. Luke  rolled over on

his back before he sat up a little and looked over in my general direction. "Lacey? You okay?"

I continued panting, not wanting to talk about my dream. "I'm gonna get some water." I

murmured to him before I threw the covers off myself and hurried out of the bedroom.

I closed the door behind me and I sighed a little. Why the hell did I have that dream? I held

my head as I walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen, but I stopped on the bottom landing when I saw Brian lying on the couch watching TV. "Hey Girly." I blushed massively and swallowed hard. "You're parents decided they wanted to go out for the long weekend, so I'm here babysittin'." The glow of the TV abled me to see him wink at me, to let me know he was joking. The wink made me blush more though.

I looked down at the ground before I hurried into the kitchen and got a glass. "You okay?" I

didn't respond as I got water from the sink faucet. I heard Brian move in the living as I took a long drink of my water. "Hey." Brian put his hand on my shoulder and stepped in front of me. I kept my eyes on the bottom of my glass as I stood there, just holding the glass up to my mouth. "Hey." Brian grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "Are you okay?"

I blushed again and quickly turned away from him and ran back upstairs. I stood by the

door after I closed it, just incase he tried to follow me up here.

"Lacey?" My eyes flickered over to Luke for a second before they returned to the floor. I

heard him get up from the bed before he carefully put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey." I looked up at him through my eye lashes and he smiled at me a little. "Come here." Luke pulled me into a hug before he pulled out and took my glass from me. "It was just a dream. You're okay." Luke walked back over to me and grabbed my hands and guided me over to my side of the bed. He moved the covers so I could climb in easier and I slowly laid down in the bed again. He covered me before he walked over to his side and got under the covers. "That a girl." Luke smiled into my neck as I snuggled back up against him when he draped his arm over my waist. "Go to sleep." Luke kissed my cheek and my neck before he laid his face in my neck and quickly went back to sleep.

I swallowed and settled into the covers and his comforting hold before I closed my eyes

and forced myself not to think about the dream as I slowly drifted into sleep.


I woke up the next morning to Luke lightly kissing my neck to wake me up. "Morning." He

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