Chapter 31

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"So are you okay now sweetie?" Val rubbed my back a little while I continued to kick my feet in the


"Yeah I guess." I whispered to her and she nodded and continued to kick the one foot she had in the


"Just go outside already!" I cringed a little when I heard Jimmy scream. I turned around to see Brian

walk out the back door, trying to avoid looking at me. It's like I'm around a bunch of high school guys.

I shook my head at the thought and Val furrowed her eyebrows a little. "What?"

"They just seem like a bunch of high schoolers is all."

"You're forgetting we're only a few years older than you. They're going to act like high schoolers for

a while." I smirked a little and nodded. "He's just worried you won't want to go near him is all." I looked over at her confused. "We use these too you know." Val raised her cell phone and I smiled a little. "I'm gonna go inside and see if the other girls are here yet." I nodded and Val grabbed her shoes before walking off.

I sighed and squinted up at the sky. It's so bright out, I wish it was raining, I like rain. Rain was the

only good part about Kentucky.

My thoughts were interrupted when Brian sat down next to me, leaving about a foot and a half of

space. He stuck his feet in the water since he was in just swim trunks and a t-shirt. I saw him swallow before he looked up at me and smiled a little. I took notice that he was sitting rather close to the edge with his hands pressing against the edge as well.

I looked up at him again, but he was staring down at the water again. "That was a bad idea…" I

furrowed my eyebrows a little. "I shouldn't have done that, even if it was a joke. Hell," He sat up a little and squinted up at the sky, he pulled his lip up too, scrunching up his face some more. "Jimmy even brought up the fact that you'd been raped and we still thought it'd be a good joke." I didn't quite think the word "joke" fit what it was, but I understood what he was saying. I was about to try to say something when he talked again.

"I even saw the look on your face before I leaned over to do it, and I still did it!" I frowned and

looked down at the water. "You'd think we'd be smarter about these kind of things by now."

"People mess up all the time." I whispered to him as I slowly kicked my feet in the water. I felt him

looking at me now, but I didn't look up. "I'm not really sure why I reacted that way honestly… I guess it was because I was pinned to the ground and I wouldn't have been able to make you stop…"

"You could have said something when I pulled away…" He offered this and I nodded a little.

"Yeah… I guess my brain just didn't realize that because it never worked before…" I could feel Brian

become a little uncomfortable when I said this.

"What's it like… being raped?" Brian asked quietly and cautiously.

"I guess…" I stopped to think. "It's…" I stopped again and tried a different approach. "Have you

ever… had an… encounter where you didn't enjoy it and you wanted it to stop, but the other person wouldn't?" I looked over in time to see him shake his head.

"No… I haven't." I nodded and tried to think of a different approach. "You don't have to try and

explain it if you don't-"

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