Chapter Fourteen

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No dreams from StarClan... Weird, Moosepaw thought to herself as she blinked the sleep from her eyes and sat up slowly. She stretched and made her way out of the den, careful not to wake the other two apprentices up. She didn't even hear them enter the den last night so she figured that they had a late night. Moosepaw glanced around the camp. She was the only one awake. She saw the apprentices in their nests... Wouldn't the other Warriors be awake by now? She explored the camp and peeked her head inside the Warriors' Den. All the Warriors were there. She backed out quietly and walked around. Then she saw glowing eyes from inside the camp and then something sprang from the shadows and towards her. She shrieked in surprise and fear and jumped awake and hit her head on the roof of the Apprentices' den. She meowed in annoyance and looked around, catching the eyes of the other two apprentices.

"Moosepaw, are you okay?" Icepaw asked, worry in her voice and her head tilted to the side slightly.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine, Icepaw," the older apprentice answered, breathing a bit heavy.

"Are you sure?" Crowpaw added this time.

"Yes, I'm sure. I promise." Moosepaw slowly curled back up. Did StarClan send her that dream? Was it for a reason? She sighed and went back to sleep.

Morning rolled around and Moosepaw woke up with a yawn, the sun glaring in her face. It was still low over the horizon. She walked over to the Fresh-Kill pile and ate a mouse before going over to Riverheart. She was only a couple tail-lengths from the deputy when Whiteheart landed in front of her. Moosepaw froze and jumped back in surprise and hissed, but realised who it was and she shook her head.

"Come on. I want to go over your battle moves," Whiteheart said, ushering the apprentice to the camp entrance.

"Okay!" Moosepaw shouted, sprinting towards the entrance which wasn't very far and she raced Whiteheart to the Training Area. "What took you so long?!" She taunted her mentor when Whiteheart appeared in the clearing a minute after the warrior did.

"Okay," Whiteheart said, changing the subject, "Do the battle crouch and come at me," she demanded.

Moosepaw quickly did what Whiteheart asked. She did the battle crouch how Silverstar taught her and Whiteheart didn't comment on it. She was honestly impressed. Moosepaw tensed her back muscles and looked at one side of Whiteheart and and aimed for the opposite and took Whiteheart down. Whiteheart was stunned and Moosepaw spun around quickly and pinned her mentor to the ground and pawed at her belly as if she was giving the belly-rake to an enemy warrior. Moosepaw got off of her mentor and looked down at the larger cat on the ground, dirt in her fur.

"Nicely done..." Whiteheart said and went to attack Moosepaw, but the apprentice had noticed the other cat tensing and getting ready to pounce so she swiftly moved to the side and jumped onto Whiteheart's back and brought her to the ground once again. Whiteheart pushed Moosepaw off and Moosepaw jumped back and studied Whiteheart, waiting for her to make the next move. Whiteheart dove, aiming for Moosepaw's belly but the little cat leaped over Whiteheart, feeling the paw slightly graze her belly fur and turned in the air so she was facing Whiteheart. Her mentor stopped and shook the dirt from her fur. "Impressive." Whiteheart nodded, licking a paw and drawing it over her ear.

They hunted and went back to camp where the others were a bit more activity going on. Bluepaw met up with both cats while they set their prey down in the Fresh-Kill pile, giving them some herbs wrapped up in another leaf.

"What are these for?" Moosepaw asked, sniffing them and wrinkling her nose a little.

"They're travelling herbs," Bluepaw answered happily. Whiteheart already began to eat hers, her own nose wrinkling at the taste and it was obvious she was trying not to spit them out.

"Go ahead, eat them," Whiteheart said. "We're leaving after."

Moosepaw are them and her face scrunched up with disgust. "Yuck!" She shouted after swallowing the last one. "Where are we going?" She asked, coughing a little.

"The Moonstone. All apprentices must visit before becoming Warriors," Whiteheart noted.

Moosepaw's eyes lit up with joy. She was going to see the Moonstone!

Bluepaw left the two cats alone. Moosepaw and Whiteheart exchanged glances and then left. The others knew where they were going.


They arrived at the entrance to the tunnel that leads to the Moonstone. Whiteheart walked in and Moosepaw followed. As they progressed through the tunnel, the light faded slowly and it was soon pitch black, her whiskers brushing against the sides of the wall. It opened up after a while and the stone was revealed through the small amount of light that actually filtered into the space.

"When the moon shines over the stone, touch your nose to it and get comfortable," Whiteheart instructed, moving away to a corner and sitting down.

It seemed like a lifetime, but the moon finally passed over and she instantly bounced forwards, touching her nose to it and then laying down on her side.

She was brought up to StarClan.

Will they reject me becoming a Warrior because of everything that's been happening? She wondered as the area lit up and a few cats were in front of her.

"Hello, Moosepaw," Bluestream greeted.

"Hi, Bluestream," Moosepaw said shyly. "Am I allowed to become a warrior?" She asked, head tilted.

"Yes, of course," Bluestream replied, tone soft. "All apprentices have their doubts, don't worry little one." He nodded.

"Thank you, Bluestream!" She beamed. The light started to fade. "Wait—!" She called. "What's my warrior name..." Her words faded and trailed off, getting quiet. She woke up in the cave and blinked quickly, looking around for Whiteheart.

"How was it?" Whiteheart asked, walking up behind Moosepaw, making the apprentice's fur puff out in surprise.

"It was awesome!" Moosepaw cheered, following Whiteheart as she walked to the entrance of the tunnel.


They arrived back at camp and they were greeted by Skyfeather and Feathertail, the two night guards. Moosepaw remembered the dream she had about a cat attacking her... And she just saw StarClan... Moosepaw's heart started to race. She didn't want to go to sleep but she curled up in her nest anyways, and prayed that nothing bad happened.

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