Dead or Lie undertale

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let's begin the song I'll fix the pic later



Frisk= Standard is the voice that calls my name in my head YES, they say, NO they say

Toriel= but I don't care about that!

Napstablook= Stardust- a whole new song that is full of plot holes

Asriel= Dead or Lie, Dead or Alive, just wanna remenber what freedom is like

Papyrus= Go out into the sealed off night I'll be eaten away

Undyne= Hands aren't clean, weapons are seen,

Alphys= a patient well trained Liar!

Bratty= Tell me what to protect? Why must I go do this?

Catty= You are so immature!

Mettaton= I'll tear it all away with one bullet!

Mad Dummy= In this world of good and Bad,

Muffet= History repeats and repeats and won't stop

Sans= Never Ends, Never Land, my heart won't be cleansed

Gaster= The End of the World has come to us

Monster Kid= but i'll continue to hold onto hope through the despair

Asgore= With shaking hands I take aim,

Frisk= I'll find a way to build a new future filled with hope!

Well if someone could make this a thing I would be happy

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