One Winged bird

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Well seeing I forgot about this book sorry might as well give you something well you wait for recall the end

Sans= Your judgement day shall be dealt
Chara= No human can escape the sin that flows though their veins

Kokona= The dark clouds gather to the tune of the rumbling sea
Ayano= Even a breeze can lead to a storm

Aster= The mysterious words make the witches chuckle
Papyrus= While the banquet of this dangerous night repeats

Celestia= (This hope) Falling towards hell,
Discord= (is it a sin?) these golden butterflies
Luna= their wings are tainted by many sins?

Asgore= Don't cry, destroy these imprisoned illusions
Frisk= Just once, rise above your demise
Toriel= Hold on to the unfulfilled promises into your heart
Alphys= And burst open the deep red truth!

Megami= Are you without sin? How heavy is my punishment?
Undyne= Are you aware of that which has no voice?
Taro= Are you aware of that which has no soul?
Napstablook= Are you aware of your own sins?

Mettaton= This open wound is like a crimson rose
Mad Dummy= This hatred lodged in my heart begins to bloom

Info= (This secret) With its wing snatched away,
Hanako= (is it a sin?) who does this one-winged bird call out to in its final moment?

Fun Girl= Don't run, accept your errors, the truths, the lies
Twilight= And let magic change everything
Cadance= With love, with sorrow, take this answer that came too late and tightly, tightly hold on to it. See?

Sweetie Belle= The dazzling light begins to flow, the door to paradise is opening

Scootaloo= Miracles pour onto this obstinate fate This entangled world is crumbling

Applebloom. Don't speak the words of the eternal curse Don't listen to your true wishes

Yandere Dev= Don't cry, destroy these imprisoned illusions Just once, rise above your demise Hold on to the unfulfilled promises into your heart And burst open the deep, deep red. It is impossible to get to the real secret if you do not realize all of the love

You might be asking Aster shouldn't it be Gaster well let me ask you is the mystery man called Gaster in the game files no well here's my theory the person who is Gaster is Gerson I have proof as well for one he's most likely close enough to Asgore to give him a nickname now what position is close to the king Captain of the Royal Guard and Royal Scientist but wait you might be thinking what about the whole falling into the creation which was stated by the g Followers well it could have easily been faked I mean come on would you believe that a machine that can somehow extracts a trait can also shatter you though out time and space hmm okay but wait why the name Aster because font thats why.

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