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"The famous mass murderer, rapist and psychopath Zayn MALIK has finally been captured by American police," the news reporter read. "The 26 year old British criminal murdered around a hundred people at an opera last summer, opening fire with a machine gun, then finishing off by blowing the building up with grenades."
Sara shook her head, watching the pictures pop up of the criminal. He deserved whatever he got.
"Malik is being held in Mexico's biggest high maximum security prison, where the worst of the worst go. Standing at 5 feet 8 inches, this so called 'badass' wont stand a chance against the 6 foot prisoners at Highland Mexico Prison."
Turning the TV off, Sara went and got changed into her work uniform, before grabbing a coffee and driving her Ford Fiesta to Highland Mexico Prison, where she carried on working at the most dangerous prison in the world.
Sara's POV
"Awright, sugar peach?" Carlin, one of the prisoners, yelled over at me as I walked the corridor.
"I'm fine, are you?" I said politely.
"I'd be better if you were in this cell with me," he grinned licking his lips.
"Never gonna happen," I answered.
"We'll see," Carlin rolled his eyes, turning away.
Carlin was a big guy, standing at around 6 feet 5 inches, with a buzz cut and messy stubble. He had soft brown eyes, but also had an explosive temper. He was in for raping seventy women in America, and ten women in Mexico.
Carlin's right hand man in the prison was Jakob Jolter, or JJ to the rest of us. JJ was 6 feet 2 inches, and had loose blonde curls. His blue eyes and sharp jawline made him attractive, but he was in for raping women to death and then burning the bodies, so he was someone I would never even consider linking with.
I was just waiting for this new guy, Zayn. He had murdered countless people, raped countless women, kidnapped, chopped bodies up, done and dealt drugs, vandalised, and then laughed about all of it. He had committed more crimes than the whole prison combined, yet I knew he wasn't gonna have any respect. He was short and looked very vain. If you were vain, you were considered too gay to be a criminal in Highland's.
Malik was expected to arrive at around 6:30 pm, and I honestly couldn't wait for him to experience prison life. It was gonna be one hell of a ride.

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