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Zayn's POV
I'd been stuck inside the shitty cell for a week. It was so crap, just sitting there, listening to the two goons opposite me yell at anyone walking by. When nobody was walking past, they would either be yelling at me or other inmates, trying to start arguments. The thing was, they didn't know what got to me, so any insult they threw would just make me laugh.
I was thinking about the prison guard that interviewed me for the whole week. She looked beautiful, but I hadn't seen her at all since my first day. I only had her by memory.
Brown hair, hazel eyes and lightly tanned skin. Height was around 5'6. She was amazing.
Just thinking about her made me go crazy. I needed to know her name at least.
So when she walked past my cell, I acted like an animal.
"Hey!" I yelled, scrambling up from my bed to the cell door.
She looked up and stared at me.
"Mr Malik?"
She remembered me!
"I-I feel ill," I lied.
"SUCK IT UP, YOU PANSY!" Goon #1 yelled over. I ignored him.
"Explain how you feel," she said tiredly. Her eyes looked lifeless. I wanted to make her feel alive again.
"Dizzy and faint. I haven't smoked in a week, it's probably that. I might die," I groaned, holding my head.
"I'll get the doctor," she said, walking away.
"Nah, I don't need no doctor. Doctors are nerds, bro," I said quickly, not wanting her to think I was lame.
"Listen, Mr Mal-"
"Zayn. All me Zayn."
"Zayn. Listen, Zayn, I've got a job to do. Do you feel ill or not?"
"Pretty crap job, init?" I asked her, changing the subject.
"It's fine for me."
"Is it, though? You look drained, love," I told her softly.
"I'm fine," she rolled her eyes.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Sara," she told me.
"Sara. Ok, Sara. Keep doing your job. Good luck with it," I smiled gently, before walking back to my cell.
She had this, this kinda spell on me. I was under some sort of trance when I was around her, it was crazy shit.
Sara's POV
I had some weird encounter with Zayn. He acted so nice, it was like he wouldn't hurt nothing. I knew his game, though. I would never fall for his bullshit. He was truly a beautiful guy, though. His black hair and beard made him look like your regular fit guy you would see in the gym and fall in love with as he lifted weights, but Zayn was a murderous killer, not your gym lover.
I didn't realise it at first, but I was slowly starting to like him. Whenever I spoke to him, he was calm, easygoing, laid back, nice and an all around lovely guy. He wasn't like the other prisoners who would growl at you. Zayn was different.

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