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Sara's POV
"Alright, Miss Coulter, I'm gonna need to to interview Mr Malik when he arrives," the Chief Guard, Mr Gonzalez, told me ten minutes before Mr Malik arrived.
"Of course, sir," I answered, saluting.
I looked out the window patiently, awaiting the arrival. Finally, right on time as always, a squad car rolled through the gates with about ten armed officers on board. They all stepped out of the car, opened the door and let the newbie out. He climbed out of the car, a small smirk playing on his lips. His black hair was ruffled messily, with a perfectly trimmed beard tracing his jawline. He had tattoos on his arms and neck, with earrings and a lip piercing. He was wearing a tight black shirt, black ripped skinny jeans and black converse, but he was soon to be changed into orange prison clothes.
The armed officers, led Mr Malik to the door, waited for the buzzer to sound and was let inside. I walked over.
"You must be Mr Malik," I said seriously to him.
"Please, call me Zayn. It sounds better," he said, smirking at me.
"Mr Malik, I will need you to follow me for a quick interview," I told him, ignoring his comments.
"I always love being in the public eye, me," Malik grinned, before being led to the questioning room.
The officers waited outside the dull room, whilst I sat on one side of the desk and he sat on the other, his handcuffs rattling as he sat.
"Mr Malik, I will need you to answer all questions truthfully and I will also need you to co-operate. If you try anything that I or the officers outside think is serious, they will come in and taser you," I explained. He nodded.
"What is your full name?"
"Zain Javadd Malik."
"What is your date of birth?"
"January 12th 1993."
"Where were you born?"
"Bradford, England."
"Any nicknames that people close to you have given you in the past?"
"Nobody is close to me. Not anymore."
"Mr Malik please answer the question."
"Nicknames? The Bradford Bad Boy is a memorable one."
"How many people have you killed?" I asked.
"I stopped counting a while ago," Malik said bluntly.
"About a thousand, maybe more. Probably more."
I stared into his light brown eyes. How could someone who looks so innocent be so blunt and violent?
"Okay. Finally, have you ever taken drugs?"
"Thank you for your time, Mr Malik," I smiled slightly, going to stand up.
"Wait!" Malik stared into my eyes, almost pleadingly. "Can I just say, you look really beautiful."
"Mr Malik-"
"I'm being serious, honest. You look lovely. Just wanted to let you know."
Malik stood up, and headed towards the door.
"And by the way, please call me Zayn. It would sound good with your voice," he smirked, before walking away with the officers. I just stood there.
Stop, he's playing you. He's leading you on.
Shaking my head, I walked out of the room.
Zayn's POV
She was the most beautiful woman I ever laid my eyes on. How come she was a prison guard? A girl like that shouldn't be babysitting dirty criminals in a dirty prison for 12 hours a day, she should be out, having fun. I would definitely show her fun if I wasn't locked up.
"So, this must be the famous Zayn Malik," a big guy growled from the cell opposite mine.
"That's my name, don't wear it out," I rolled my eyes.
"We've got a boy with attitude," he sneered.
"Nah, I'm just not dumb, like you."
"Hear that, JJ? He's not dumb, like us."
Another guy appeared from the cell next to the first guy. He had blonde curly hair.
"He'll be fuckin' dumb when I'm done wit him," 'JJ' said fiercely. He was Mexican, I could tell by his accent.
"That's my home boy, JJ!" The first guy laughed. "You better watch out, Malik. It ain't a sissy world in here."
"It's not a sissy world out there either," I snarled, pointing behind me. "You think all I've seen is child's play compared to you? News flash, I've seen things that would scare you two pussies shitless, so don't think for one second I will not beat the shit out of both of yous, especially you, 'JJ'."
"Whatever, man," JJ said tiredly, walking back into the darkness of his cell.
"Fuck you," the first guy mouthed, flipping me off. I smiled bitterly, doing it back, before slumping down onto my bunk.
How the fuck do I get out of here?

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