Chapter Two

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"Okay, here's what we know," Majhul states, pointing to a corkboard hung on the wall. "Each of us was found wandering in only a nightgown, with absolutely no memory of our pasts. We have strange birthmarks that look like tattoos, and scars in the exact same places. We constantly repeated the word 'unnamed' in whatever language was native to our region."

I nod.

"We all have at least one supernatural ability, and we can all practice a certain type of magic. I have storm magic, Nodanna water, and Anaithnid earth. And you said that you controlled a storm once?"

"Yes. When I was eight, Ajana taught me."

"So you at least have storm magic."

I nod again.

"The first thing you need to do is learn how to harness that magic."


"Since I have the same the type of magic, I'll teach you how to use it. We've yet to need our magic, but you never know. There's no telling what happened when we young, so we need to be able to defend ourselves."

"Okay," I let out carefully, my mind racing with what Majhul has just told me.

It's never occurred to me before that searching for answers could be dangerous, but everything she's said is true. We have no idea where we come from or why we were found the way we were. Up until the day we were found, our lives are a mystery.

"I would like you to go to London to recruit Ajana. You know her, so she'd be more receptive to you than any of us. It's similar to why Anaithnid was the one to talk to you. You have a lot in common and you're very close in age, so she was the best bet."

I nod yet again, for what feels like the millionth time today.

"Are you willing to go to London to find Ajana?"

I take a moment to think. I really would love to see Ajana again, and, even though I've just now met these girls, I instinctively know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing at this time in my life.


"Good. Our goal will be next week."

Yet again, I nod.

"Anaithnid, show her around please."

Ana nods and leads me out of the small dining room and down a short hallway. There are two doors on each side and one at the end of the corridor. Anaithnid explains that the doors on our left belong to Majhul and Nodanna, respectively. Hers is the first room on the right. The washroom is at the end of the hall.

Finally, she opens the second door on the right and leads me inside. It's a relatively bare bedroom, furnished with only a twin-sized bed, a dresser, and a desk. All of the furniture is old, but the room is clean and well cared for.

"Sheets are in the bathroom cupboard," Anaithnid explains. "Decorate how you want and change what you want. My room looked just like this when I first started living here." She gestures for me to follow her as she leaves the room.

We step into her room, which is decorated much more than my own. The walls are painted a deep green, and the hardwood floors are stained a rich soil-toned brown. A shag rug is under a double bed, with a forest green comforter set and brown sheets. Floor to ceiling bookshelves dominate one wall, and just in front of those sit two overstuffed bean bag chairs with a lamp betwixt. The desk is opposite the wall of bookshelves, stained a deep shade with a comfortable looking green desk chair. The walls are covered in posters and the desk is piled high with books and notebooks.

Anaithnid's room is homey, the kind of space that would be easy to relax in and call one's own. She's made the most of the small amount of space, and somehow, instead of feeling cramped, it feels cozy.

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