Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

We still haven't found the portals. All we've yet found is a library deep within the mount. It's huge, with more books than I've ever seen in once place before. There must be thousands of them, all neatly arranged by name.

We're sure that they would have the answers we seek.

There's only one problem: they're all in Shomte and A'lefkt.

Delaine is meant to help us, but she must get to a place where she can cast her spells. She only needs a description of the library and she can conjure a portal. Hopefully, she won't take too long. Last we heard of her, she was in Worloeton, hiding in plain sight.

Somehow, she's managed to masquerade as a Shadowsmite. She's used her knowledge of Shomte to her advantage, but there's only so long that can last. Word is that Remarta is using readers in his armies, and with them, they are finding those of us who use glamour to escape.

I wonder if the hunt will ever end, if we'll ever be safe in our own homes.

<> <> <>

We returned to Jacobi's hiding place for the rest of the night, Delaine's words echoing through my mind for much of it.

When the sun peeked over the horizon, Jacobi kissed me goodbye before I returned to Louisiana, where I was the safest.

And now, I lay in bed unable to stop the tears. I can't even begin to process all that I've learned, and I'm not sure I want to. The only thing I know for sure right now is just how much I want to go home, back to the little cottage outside Asiig, in the world that has always been and will always be my home.

Up until I first visited Jacobi, I'd never felt at home.

My home is with him.

"Oh, Nama," a voice calls from the doorway just before footsteps trace across the hardwood floor and arms wrap around my shoulders. "What is it?" Ajana question softly.

"I just want to go home."

"What happened last night?"

"I met an old friend," I force out, my voice barely above a whisper, "From before I came here. I... I didn't even recognize her."

"Nama, I wouldn't even know my own mother if I saw her. You've got a leg up on us. You've discovered more in a month than the others have in years."

"I guess."

"I know."

"At least you have your husband with you," I mumble.

She smiles sadly. "At least you know your history."

"Some of it anyway."

"It'll all come to light, Nama. It just takes time."

I nod slowly. "I hope so..."

<> <> <>

"The baby is getting restless. She is always kicking lately. It's a good sign, but it could also mean that she is soon to be born. I'm not sure that I want her born this way. Not here, not when we'll possibly have to move again.

In all honestly, I am simultaneously excited and fearful of this.

I don't want my darling Seresin to grow in fear. Delaine came up with the name. Seresin means 'fighter' in Shomte. Jacobi and I instantly fell in love with the name, and it became hers.

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