Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The shock fills my mind as I lay on my bed back in Louisiana.

The words, Seresin is back, echo through my mind, and I'm still not sure what to think of it.

A part of me isn't sure whether or not I should trust my magic. Another part of me knows with absolute certainty that I am pregnant with the child I left in limbo when I came to Earth fourteen years ago.

I've not heard from Jacobi today, and I know I won't until tonight. It's still daylight in Faelus; I never hear from him until night falls over our home.

"Nama?" A voice calls, knocking lightly on my door.

I raise my hand and attempt to use my newly-taught levitation skill to open the door.

The door opens smoothly, barely slamming the wall.

"That's new," Ajana remarks.

"Delaine taught me."

"What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath and pat the bed beside me. Ajana comes to sit next to me, the same way she used to do in the orphanage when I was little.

"I don't know that anything is wrong, per se..."


"I'm..." My throat closes as I try to say the words, and I'm left trying to find a word that should be easy to say. "Seresin," I settle on, letting the name hold all the meaning.

"Who's that?"

A sigh escapes me. I'd forgotten that she didn't know about Seresin.

"My... My daughter."

"What about her, Nama?"

"I was pregnant before I came here. My daughter ended up in limbo. She's back now."

"So, you're pregnant?"

I nod.

"But it's the baby you were pregnant with before you came here?"

I nod again.

"Our lives just get weirder and weirder by the day."

"I'm scared, 'Jana."

She smiles sympathetically and squeezes me in a tight hug. "I know," she says simply. "Have you spoken to Jacobi today?"


"Contact him."

With that, Ajana leaves the room, closing the door gently behind her.

"Jacobi?" I reach out.

The static in the back of my mind clarifies until I can feel him clearly. My shock is replaced by peace, my fear by determination.

"What is it, love?"

"It's Seresin. She's back."

Jacobi is quiet for a moment before I hear a laugh and feel a happiness so strong that I can't help but feel the same way.

"Come to Faelus."

I close my eyes and picture his face -- that chiseled jaw, those slightly upturned eyes that hold so much love.

It's barely a moment before I feel the extra strength in my magic. I open my eyes and he's standing before me, the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

He wraps me in a tight hug.

"I can't believe it," he whispers.

"I'm scared."

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