1. First day in the hell hole

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I was woken up to a loud ear piercing sound. Slowly opening my eyes I realized that my alarm was going off.

Great first day in the hell hole I thought to myself.

I got up slowly still tired probably looking like a bird had made a nest in my hair. Great.
I gracefully put on my peach colored wool sweater, my black skinny jeans, brown knee high boots and a cute cream infinity scarf. Once I was satisfied with my make up free look I went down stairs for breakfast.


Observing the schools name "St rosewood college",about to walk through the sliding doors to my new school when I was roughly forced back by a small but strong arm. I turned around to observe the disrespectful person, when I saw a skinny blonde chick about average height wearing a tight white laced top showing off her bright pink bra, with white shorts and white heals to complement the look. I snickered to myself imagining if she had her period. Childish I know. Her and her followers just brushed past me one by one, I let it go trying not to attract attention to myself by giving them a piece of my mind.

I walked down the hallway trying to find my classroom, people were glaring at me and whispering about me making me feel very uncomfortable. I slowly started to feel insecure when I felt a light tap on my shoulder making me spin around.

There standing in front of me was a pretty brunette girl wearing a stylish aqua dress.
"Hi I'm Rachel, I am the schools tour guide need any help?" I just stood there observing her light makeup and her wavy brown hair, I realised I must have been staring for a while when she asked me "oh god is there something on my face?" my eyes shot to her brown ones and said "N..no you look great, I'm Noelle by the way!" at this point I was sure I was blushing like there was no tomorrow.


After Rachel gave me a quick tour of the school she took me to my classroom, to my surprise she was in the same class as me so she sat next to me the whole English class. We talked and helped each other with our work all in all it was a lot of fun.


It was lunch and I decided I'd buy my lunch today, well I had no choice since I didn't pack any. Stupid me. I entered the cafeteria and everyone froze no one was talking all eyes were glued on me, my mind was panicking my heart was throbbing but I seamed to be able to let out a faint smile and every one went back to what they were doing. Few.

I went and got my lunch I got a juicy piece of crumbed fish and a ceaser salad. Yum.

when I turned around to go to my table, I realised that I had no table to sit at so I decided I would go and eat my lunch in the girls bathroom, a toilet cubicle to be exact.

when I finished eating I made sure the bathroom was clear and it was then that I made a run for the door before anyone came in. As I was walking to my locker I dumped my rubbish in the near by bin and got my stuff for maths.


I got to maths just on time because a split second after I sat down my teacher Mr Jones walked in. " Ok so today we will be learning about algebra" he exclaimed, everyone groaned except me I loved algebra. Nerd.

"So can anyone tell me what algbra i..." Before he could finish the door was forced open, a tall masculine figure with brown hair strode in. "Nice of you to join us Mr Grayson" Mr Jones exclaimed. "Please take a seat" he said to the boy calmly. As he walked past me to go to the back of the room, I could smell a faint scent of tangerine. He took a seat and Mr Jones resumed teaching.


Maths had just finished and I was walking to my locker when I realised that I left my pencil case in the maths room. I sprinted hoping to catch the teacher before he locked the door.

I ran with all my might when I smashed into something hard, really really hard causing me to tumble to the ground. I was about to get up when I was pushed back down this time causing me to land hard on my arm. Ouch. Watch where your going nerd" a voice boomed at me. I froze looking up at who it was, it was the guy that walked in late to maths. I couldn't help myself I had to retaliate even though I knew everyone was looking at us forming a fight circle like in the movies.

I shot up to my feet "who you calling nerd" I said. "You, you retard" he shouted that made me fuming. "I'm the retard...right" I exclaimed. "Yeah you are you idiot" he spoke back."is that all you've got, listen here you dickhead, you don't own these halls so you don't get to go walking around like you do. People are scared of you because they think you'll hurt them but I bet your a little sissy. So you and your boner can go ahead and move along." He instantly looked down causing me and everyone else to laugh. He realised that he didn't have one and his cold icy blue eyes were shooting lasers into my boring brown ones. He may be hot but he doesn't get to treat me like shit. I could tell I was about to die.

He forcefully picked me up and slammed me against the cold metal locker. He pulled me closer whispering into my ear "you sure about that" I tried to release his grip he wouldn't let go. "Let go of me" I struggled. That just made him slam me harder against the locker, "what am I hurting you princess?" He said snickering. "N...no" I yelled. "Y...you sure about that" he said making fun of my previous stuttering.

Without thinking just wanting to get away from his tight grip, I kicked him, I kicked him right where the sun don't shine. He deserved it. He hunched over clutching his crutch in agony. "You will pay for this, your life will be a living hell I promise." He said through his gritted teeth. "And I don't back out of a promise, never!" He added on. I just turned around, I stuck the finger up at him and walked through the path the crowd had made for me. As I walked I herd people saying things like "damn" "that was hot" "you go girl" "she's dead." That one comment made reality kick in and I started to panic, shit I mentally face palmed myself what have I done!

I got home and my mum was sitting down with Sierra (cece) my 6 year old sister they were playing dominos. "Hey mum, hey cece" I said happily. "Hey darling how was your first day?" My mother explained. "Well..."

I explained everything from the bitch that pushed me out of the way to the time that I smashed that dude that I still don't know the name of to then regretting everything. She was shocked, shocked was an understatement she was astounded. All she seemed to do was high five me and give me a hug.

After I had my dinner and hugged my mum ad sister, I went upstairs to my bed room. My bed room was like an ordinary teenagers room, it had posters of hot boys and singers and was white with a queen size bed.

Once I got dressed into my long black trackies and red crop top and tied my brown hair into a messy bun, I got cozy into my bed placing my leopard print donna on top of me to keep me warm, I then fell asleep.


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