Who's Carter?

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Girl what you did to Carter yesterday was the bomb" Rachel said as we walked to English "who's carter?" I asked confused "The one you kicked in the balls yesterday?" She said in a duh mode.

right I forgot she was there. Idiot.

"You realise carter is like the number one person on your don't mess with List and on your first day u smashed him, your most likely dead" she said worriedly. "Thanks for the comforting speech Rach" I said sarcastically. "What I'm just telling you how it is!" She said smirking. "Come on we have to get to English" I said dragging her along.

We walked into the room and suddenly all eyes were on me not one scooted away.

Not even for a second. Not again.

Rachel being the popular girl she is diverted their attention from me to her as she boomed "what you staring at" they all quickly looked down and away from me. I whispered a small thanks as we walked to our seat.


It was lunch time so I was walking to my locker to go put my books away before I went to buy lunch.


I probably should stop forgetting it but it's kinda hard when you wake up late from sleep deprivation and bad dreams.

I can't seem to get that nightmare out of my head. I can't seem to forget h...

I was interrupted by a buzzing in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and read the text.

From Rachel 😘:

I'll meet u at ur locker! Sys

I smiled at her abbreviation and decided I'd play along.

To Rachel 😘:

Yep sure ily :)

I was just about to send another text when someone grabbed, my butt.

I froze

An icy chill crept up my skin making me get goose bumps.

Reality kicked in and I realised I was in the real world.

The hand was still lingering on my butt waiting for my reaction. By now I was sure everyone was watching me.

Just fabulous.

I grabbed the hand, pulled it past my shoulder twisted it and threw the guy over my shoulder so he was I front of me clutching his arm in pain.

Still holding his arm I spat "Never touch a girls ass!"

Everyone was silent. Even him.

He was just sitting there in pain. I released his arm and he was bent down like how that guy Carter was. And yet again I walked off through the crowd as they made a path for me. 2 points to Noelle!


After the incident I texted Rachel saying to meet me outside the C10 class where we had English earlier.

I was in the middle of telling her about the incident when I was confronted by the idiot who grabbed my ass 30 minutes ago. "You bitch" he pointed to me acting like Rachel wasn't there.

Do I trust the bad boy? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora