Michael X Bella (Micella)

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Qq     Michael and Bella met in sixth grade. It all started in gym class, they were doing square dancing, and Bella was assigned to dance with Michael. At first she wasn't happy about it because she didn't know him then. After a while she realized he's a really good dancer. Even when he spinned her into the wall. After that, they became good friends and loved to talk about nerdy stuff with each other. Star Wars was usually the main topic when it came to them.

     Now they go to Lincoln high, and they are sophomores. Still best friends and seems like they might always be. However, Bella really liked Michael the only problem was he was taken. To make matters worse her other friend, Cassidy, liked Micheal too. It was clear that Michael and Bella could never be a thing.

     One day, Bella was in first period. She sat next to Michael everyday in that class. The only thing was, for the first time, Michael wasn't at school that day. Bella decided to sit next to Cassidy, which made her full of annoyance. "Oh, hey Bella!" Exclaimed Cassidy, "Hey, Michael isn't here today." Bella said in disappointment. "I've noticed, don't you think he's like so cute?" Cassidy asked as she kept flowing off topic; Bella got even more annoyed especially at the fact that she can't tell her two best friends about her secret crush. The day was just really crappy for Bella.

     It was finally lunch, and Bella was starving. She was so stressed out all day, she was finally glad to just sit and relax. Good thing Cassidy wasn't in her lunch. Bella just sat alone, when she saw out of the corner of her eye, Michael. He sat next to her and Bella freaked. "Oh my God! Michael where were you!" Bella bantered as she shook him vigorously, "Relax Bella, I slept late." Michael said as he calmed her. "You scared the hell out of me!" Bella exclaimed. They both became silent as the strict principal, principal Darwin, came over. " You're sophomores, you know the rules, no yelling in the lunch room. You both have after school detention." the stern principal stated.

     'Oh great,' Bella thought, this was just what she needed. Having to explain to her mom why she got detention was always the "highlight" of her day. "I'm sorry Michael— I didn't mean to get us detention." Bella said quietly as principal Darwin walked away. "Hey it's okay, cause if there is one person that I would want to have detention with, it would be you." Michael laughed.

After school, Bella and Michael were in detention and there was no one else except for the detention monitor, Mr. Brown, in the classroom. Bella and Michael sat in the back of the class, and it was very old so there were gum under the desks and lint on the ceiling and it was probably insulation that was coming out of the walls. It was also a very dim room, it was as if the people that went into detention never came out alive.

Michael had never really been to detention, but Bella was there quite often due to her 'rebellious ways'. After a while the teacher left, so Michael asked "Where is he going?" "He's going to the teacher's lounge for the rest of detention." Bella responded "But why?" Michael asked "Why do you ask so many questions bro? He always leaves, of course he knew we would start talking- but he doesn't care." Bella said in a slightly jovial tone. "Okay cool so..." Michael began "So?" Bella asked there was a moment of awkward silence and the one thing Bella hated most was silence. "So what's up BAE?" Bella sighed in a slightly stern tone. "Stop saying that." Michael demanded "Stop saying what what am I saying BAE?" Bella asked bossily "Saying stupid things that make me want to kiss you." Michael scolded and there was a moment of awkward silence "Woah-" Bella whispered "I love you too." Bella grinned "I know I've always known, but why?" Michael asked "You noticed me when I was invisible." Bella responded quietly as she leaned in a bit closer. 

     The teacher had then walked in and detention was over, Bella waved goodbye to Michael as she walked out of the school. It wasn't a bright summer day and it wasn't the day that changed everything, it was a day that was windy and cloudy and a day that wouldn't change nor ruin their friendship. This was a day of their life that they might forget, but they will always cherish.

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