Up and Down

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Charles always looked up. He looked at the ceiling when he was thinking, he looked into the sky fantasising about how he could build up the school he'd always dreamed of. He looked up when he faced people because he was smaller than most of them. And he looked up when he avoided Erik's eyes every time they accidentally met.

Erik always looked down. He looked down at the ground when he remembered things, he looked at the grass swiftly moving in the wind like back then in the summer days in Germany. He looked down into people's faces because he was taller than most of them. And he looked down when he avoided Charles' eyes every time they accidentally met.

Along with their eyes other things went up and down.

Charles' lips curled upwards whenever he dreamt of his school or when he looked at people. And every time Erik looked at him like he would all the time if he wasn't too shy to just do it.

Erik's mood went downhill whenever he thought of Germany or when he had to talk to other people. And every time he reminded himself that Charles would never look at him the way he did.

But soon they would discover that this wasn't bad at all. They would discover that when they stood right in front of each other and Charles looked up while Erik looked down their lips would meet without even leaning down or reaching up. They would then realize that they fitted perfectly to each other just like pieces of a puzzle.

And I don't think I have to explain who's top and who's bottom.

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