Chapter 2

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Demi's POV:

I'm sitting in the truck, getting taken to a new asylum, sorry, 'mental facility, where people with dysfunctional minds get taken to heal and get help'. Yeah right. We all know it's just a place to dump the crazy people. Why am I there? I kind of know but I also kind of don't. Real crazy people don't know that they are crazy, where as, I know I'm crazy, so what does that make me? Why am I here?

My family had finally broken. What do you mean? You ask. Well, I'm crazy. Simple, and absolutely true. They've tried to handle me, and helped as much as they could, and I thank them for that. But, I knew I was too much, and I was pestering them to throw me away, ditch me, leave me out on the streets. They didn't relent, until one day:

It was a sunny day, the kind that makes you want to run around and fly kites and generally just have a good time. Not me, I was on the couch, reading the Percy Jackson and The Olympians Series for the fiftieth time. There was a little girl out on the sidewalk. She had a bucket full of chalk, and was drawing pictures. I went up to my mom and said, "Mom. I don't want to hurt anyone. Let me go." "No! You're family. We can't leave family behind." "Mom, just listen to me. I will get even worse, and you know that," she tried to interject, but I went on. "Our family will start staying away for us, and not visiting. They hate to do it, but they don't want the world to know that their nice families are related to this." I say, gesturing to my head. "Let them take me away. Lock me up. Just do it. I know you don't want to leave family behind, but we have to do this if you want to keep our family."

Since that day, I've been moving from asylum to asylum. I was just too crazy. Now, I'm going to the 'most progressive mental facility in the U.S.'. Please, we all know I'll burn it down within six months, and annoy everyone to death with my references. I'm blaming my parents and sister on that one. They where the ones who recommended those books. That was the price to pay, I guess. Let's see how long this place lasts.


Second chapter, done! Well, first chapter for me!

Signing off,

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