Chapter 4

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Hey guys the author again. This time it's Rem. :)

Rems pov:

As I was carted into the who knows what asylum I thought about why I was here. 


As I stood in front of the school on my first day of sixth grade I couldn't help but grin. I loved learning and reading. My opinion J.K. Rowling is queen, Rick Riordan is the troll king. I was dressed in leggings a Panic! At The Disco shirt and a red and black flannel along with a black beanie.

I quickly walked in the school and checked my schedule. Homeroom was #17. I quickly entered the room to find my homeroom teacher and literacy teacher Mrs. Lopez. She smiled at all the kids in her homeroom and then she opened her mouth.

That's where it all went downhill.

"Goodmorning students. My name's Mrs. Lopez. I am your homeroom and literacy teacher. I hope you all had a good summer!" A few grumbles answered her. "Anyway I want you to be able to get to know me. Ask me anything and ill tell you my opinion!"

Well needless to say my hands were up. First thing out of my mouth "what's your opinion on Percy Jackson and Harry Potter?"

The teacher looked straight at me and said "Personally I think Harry Potter is a childish book that doesn't teach much and Percy Jackson is EVEN WORSE." She took a deep breath then said "I much prefer to teach about, say the biography of our past presidents and other important figures."

By now my vision was turning red. People around me know not to insult things I love, because, and I'm gonna be blunt, I have huge anger issues. But I stopped before I could bring out my pyromaniac tendencies. I smirked and waited till after school.

(Le time skip)

After school I quickly walked to Mrs. Lopez's house. (They really should make their passwords a little harder than w1nn1ng) I took out my lighter seeing as she wasn't home and with the voices yelling at me to be more drastic I set one of her bushes on fire.

Then I took out the paint and carefully painted the words PJO and HP rules on her house. The voices screamed for me to light her house on fire but I didn't. I waited till she came and she called the cops. They arrested me and after a long trial I was sent to an insane asylum. But I kept disturbing other patients and finally I'm here.

(Le end)

I snapped to reality when we arrived at the building. I didn't bother checking out the name. I was just gonna call it 'place to fix things that aren't broken' or maybe 'place to lock the Wonderlanians' or wonderland for short. I was quickly pushe out of the car in much the same manner as two other girls who had just pulled up.

I have them my best version of the Cheshire cats grin and whispered "your late for tea!" I giggled as I was brought in and dragged to my room which for some reason was always white. There I sat on my bed and read the blood of Olympus which they only let me have when they realized I wouldn't hurt anyone with it. This was gonna be interesting.


So I guess that all the authors officially met. Sweet. Anyway it's longer than my last one so thats good.-Rem

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