Oops I Did It Again

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A/N: Hah Ha! You probably thought I was dead but I'm (unfortunately) not. I haven't updated things here in years but I still feel like it's important to at the very least explain why.

I don't know. I love writing, but I think it's hard and sometimes it feels too much like a chore and I can't stop starting new ideas but I can never bring myself to finish anything more than an outline of the plot.

I've kinda grown out of most of the ships I used to write about too. I still ship and enjoy Phan, just not as intensely and as much as when I was first working on this. I don't even think I ship KickTheStickz or most Youtuber ships and unless you're living under a rock, you can see why it'd be hard to ship Troyler nowadays.

If you genuinely liked reading my stories though, and don't really mind about the ships or if you're more of a multi fandom person then it'll probably please you a bit to know that I'm not taking down any stories besides the one I took down late last year (or the year before my sense of time is fuzzy at best). I will continue them but not in the way I should probably.

Since I don't ship most of these ships, I'm going to be changing some names and details around to fit some ships I actively enjoy and feel more comfortable writing. I'm not too sure how this will change depending on what I begin to ship in the future, but for now that means mostly mainstream YA books and some bandom. I'm thinking ships ranging from Drarry and Snowbaz to Larry and (maybe) Ryden. I'll also write some things based off of some TV shows I like, like Sterek and Klance.

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to update, I know how frustrating it is, and I'm sorry that I won't be continuing these stories as Phan anymore. I hope that this isn't a deal breaker and that you'll enjoy the stories I write and edit in the next few months when I update them. (Also: Important Sidenote! I almost forgot and I'm not too too sure about it yet but I probably will continue and hopefully finish Something Unexpected as a Phan and Troyler story).

Until next time when I actually sort myself and all this out,
- Jo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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