Chapter 3: Watch Your Back and Pay Close Attention

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(A/N: If you consider having a friend friend-dump you, a TRIGGER, skip to the A/N at the end and I'll explain what happened this chapter over there. Please inbox me, if you want to talk, no matter the reason or the time, I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.)

Dan's POV

The first time I had heard the voice, I thought nothing of it. It was strange, I'll admit, but it could have easily been due to sleep deprivation. I do go to sleep at around 3:00 AM, which can't possibly be very healthy.

There's also the fact that I talk to myself. That sounds like a one time thing everyone does when they're bored, but for me, it's a part of my daily routine. PJ also likes to be creative and make up different characters, which is a habit of his that rubbed off on me a bit.

Take notice in how I say the first time. Oh yes, it came back. Several times. I still thought it was due to my weird imagination. I stayed at PJ's house for about a week. But, during that week, things began to change. And these changes made me doubt whether or not that voice was just my imagination.


Tuesday was the day after I had the nightmare. Well, technically it had been past midnight when I had the nightmare, so it was the day of.

The day started like any other day we spent together. I woke up, cuddled up next to PJ. We were always so in sync, causing us to usually wake up a couple of minutes apart from each other.

When PJ woke up, we spent a while lying together in bed, doing nothing. Then, birds began to chirp. You see, in the area where PJ lives, there are a lot of birds. So, you really don't get to choose when you want to wake up, making it near impossible to sleep in.

So, we both got out of bed and went to get ready. After we brushed our teeth, went to the bathroom, showered (seperately), and changed, we decided we would go out to get breakfast.

While out at breakfast, (We didn't go anywhere that fancy, unless you would consider iHop fancy. They do make good breakfast though, I'll give them that.) we sat in a booth, on the same side. We even held hands under the table.

I didn't really see anything wrong. We had to go home, because PJ forgot something. PJ was looking cute, and I really wanted to kiss him. So, I tapped him on the shoulder. "Turn around." "How c-?" He was interrupted by me leaning in to kiss him. He moved back, and said, "Dan!" He started laughing afterwards. "He's just laughing to cover up for what he did." the voice had said.


Again, Wednesday had started off normally. We had the same routine as the day before, with the exception of us having breakfast at home today.

After breakfast, we drove to the cinema. We hadn't picked out a movie in advance, so we just decided to watch the movie that required the least waiting for it to start. That ended up being "Into The Storm".

I'm pretty sure it was a disaster film. The movie had been interesting so far, but at the moment, there had been a death. It was kind of disturbing, and I don't like seeing fictional characters die. So, I turn to PJ. Then, I try to put my head on his shoulder, facing his neck.

Almost immediately after I did that, he gently shoved me off. "Dan!" He whisper shouted. I always did this, even when we were just friends, so I didn't see how it was any different now. I knew PJ was obsessed with films, he even made a living making short films, but he never got this into them. That's because he's not the same.

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