Chapter 1

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"Sica Sica!" called Yuri excited as she entered the classroom&settling herself beside Jessica

"Guess what?"


"I talked to YoonA again!"

"Its the 12th time this week!"

"She's just so cutee!" giggled Yuri excitedly


"Wow, thats great"

"You even had it counted" replied Jessica

Jessica's POV

Even had the number of times they spoke counted..


Im sure Yuri didnt even do that when she first met me..

How i wish im in YoonA's place..

End of Jessica's POV

"Why do you sound so.."

"Unhappy..?" asked Yuri curiously


"Im just sleepy.." lied Jessica


"I thought im boring you out"

"I really love YoonA, she's just so cute!"

"Cant get enough of her!" grinned Yuri happily

"I can see that you're going head over heels for her"

"So when are you going to you know, ask her out?"

"And probably confess to her..?" asked Jessica with a slight pricking pain in her heart

"Im thinking of asking her out tomorrow"

"You know, its a Friday tomorrow"

"Any suggestions what i should do tomorrow to impress her?" asked Yuri

"I really hope she would accept my date tomorrow.."

"Shall text her now.." muttered Yuri excitedly as she started tapping on her phone


To: YoonA

Hey YoonA, its me Yuri :D

I was just thinking if you would like to hang out with me tomorrow after school?

Its fine if you're busy! (:

From: Yuri

*10 seconds later*

To: Yuri

Oh tomorrow?

Sure, i'll be there!

I'll meet you outside school tomorrow! :D

From: YoonA



"Sica! She agreed!!" exclaimed Yuri excitedly as she repeatedly hitting Jessica on her arms

"Yuri, it hurts" whined Jessica as she massaged her arms

"Ops, bianeh" apologised Yuri with an apologetic look

"Forget it" sighed Jessica as she laid her head down on the desk, preparing to get back to her slumberland.

"Yah, the teacher is teaching&you're sleeping?!"

"Im always ace-ing everything in this school Yul.."

"The teacher doesnt even care about me awake or asleep"

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