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I was beginning to feel like a prisoner in my own home.

"I can't take it anymore I am bored."I complained.

"I know Abs but you heard what Detective Morales suggested that we try to stay at home as much as possible since they can't locate Joe."

"I know but you can't tell me your not going through cabin fever."I said.

"Well of course I am but if it keeps you safe we will deal with it even if it takes another week."replied Chris.

"Okay fine but can we have a little bit of fun."

"What do you have in mind Abbey."laughed Chris.

"Let's play drunken Mortal Kombat and order a couple of pizzas."

"Sounds good you order and I'll set up the game."

We began playing the game the rule was whoever lost the fight had to take a shot. We hadn't been playing long when we heard the first rumble of thunder and crash of lightning.

"Hold on pause my phone's ringing."said Chris.

I sat there studying the fight move menu when the doorbell rang, I motioned to Chris I was going to answer the door and he nodded.

After grabbing drinks I walked back into the game room with the food.

"Everything OK?"I asked, sitting down next to Chris.

"Yea it was Detective Morales letting me know that tonight they are short handed due to an accident so patrols may be a little late, but if we need anything for us just to call him directly."he answered as he grabbed a slice of pizza.

We continued to play until the lighting caused the lights to flicker causing the game to reboot.

"Man it's really pouring down out there."I said looking out the window.

"So what now?"asked Chris, taking a sip of his vodka and soda.

"Umm... No better time than a horror movie night."I suggested.

"I'll be back."said Chris after setting up The Conjuring into the Blu-ray player.

"Where you going?"

"Just gonna put on my pajamas."said Chris

"This early it's only seven."

"Yea it's perfect weather for pj's and a blanket.

Figuring he had a point I went off to my room changed into my pj's, grabbed the comforter off the bed and drug back to the game room. Chris came in with a couple of pillows and we started the movie.
We laid out on the floor drinking and watching horror movies. Throughout the evening the rain continued to fall and the lighting would light up the dark room every once in awhile.

We weren't drinking heavily but it was enough to have us wobbly on our feet.

Chris and I had just begun our second movie when a loud crash of lightning struck and caused the lights to go out.

"Did we blow a fuse?"I asked Chris as he made his way to the window.

"Nah. It's the whole block."

"Should we call Morales?" I asked him.

"Nah. Not much he can do about a power outage, plus I'll go call the light company."he said as he grabbed his phone turning on the flashlight.

I walked to the window and glanced out at the dark neighborhood. The sky kept lighting up with fast flashes of lightning and the streets were slightly beginning to flood making them look like a river of blackness.

I was about to go find Chris when the neighborhood lit up as lightning struck close by allowing me to notice a black Chevy avalanche parked in the driveway two houses down.

"Chris! Come here quick."I called.

"Yea, what's going on"

"Look come here."I said motioning for him to come over to the window.

"I see nothing."he joked.

"No wait when the lightning lights everything up look two houses to the left there a truck parked in the driveway that looks like Joe's."I said.

Chris lost the smile on his face and replaced it with a worried look as we both looked out the window and waited for the lightning to light up the street.

"It could just be a coincidence I mean Joe doesn't drive the only black Chevy avalanche."he suggested.

"I know... It's just that...well don't you think it's weird that we have never seen a truck like that parked there before."I said feeling uneasy.

"OK well how about we sober up a bit, I think the alcohol, the weather and the movie are making us paranoid, so here let's just lay down and relax, til the lights come back on."said Chris closing the curtains and leading me back to the blanket and pillows.

"Hey how charged is your phone?"asked Chris.

"Oh crap, I don't even have my phone on me."I said as I got up to get it from my room.

"Here hold my phone and I'll go get."volunteered Chris, as he walked out of the room.

I was going through his Facebook news feed when Chris walked in closing and locking the door.

"What are you doing weirdo"I questioned him, as I noticed he was holding my shoes in his hands.

"I don't want you to panic, but when I went to get to get your phone, this was on there." he answered, showing me the screen.

U home My Sweet Abbey?

If u don't answer I'll go by and see for myself  Sweet Abbey

Fine BITCH omw

Suddenly the room felt like it was closing in on me and I couldn't breathe as the fear sunk in.

"Shh... I'm here don't worry just breathe Abs."said Chris as he held me in his arms.

"He's going to kill me for going to the cops."I said, as the tears ran down my face.

"Abs calm down, here let's lay you down on the couch while I go call Detective Morales."said Chris as he laid me down covering me with the comforter before walking out of the room.

I must have dozed off because I woke up to a dark and quiet house, it was a little after midnight and it was still raining hard. Wondering where Chris was I walked out to the living room and found it empty.

Figuring he might have gone to sleep I went into my room, and laid down. I was about to set my alarm when I noticed that I had Chris's phone. Groaning I got out of bed and went to Chris's room.

I knocked softly and waited, when I didn't hear anything I opened his door to an empty room. I walked in and knocked on the bathroom door and got no response.

Confused I walked out to check the living room and other rooms. Not finding him anywhere I checked the driveway only to find his car still parked there.

"Chris! Where are you." I called out, as I stood in the middle of our living room.

"Oh My Sweet Abbey I wouldn't worry about him."said Joe as he walked out of the shadows.

"Joe please don't hurt me."I begged, as panic filled my heart.

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