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"Oh no My Sweet Abbey it's too late to beg I tried playing nice but YOU didn't wanna play nice."said Joe as he walked over to me.

"Joe. Where's Chris?"I asked him.

"Oh he's OK, no permanent damage as for you I can't say the same. How could you betray me and go back to him, and then you lie and let him tell the pigs that bullshit that I start getting investigated. WHY ABBEY."he yelled getting close to my face.

I slowly tried to back away but he quickly reached out and grabbed a handful of my hair.

"Oh no My Sweet Abbey no more running from me."he sneered. 

"CHRIS!"I scream out, praying he wasn't seriously hurt.

"Shut up."hissed Joe, backhanding me, causing me to stumble backwards.

"What did you do to him?"I asked.

"Don't worry his pain is nowhere compared what I'm gonna do to you."he said as he charged at me knocking me down to the floor.

Once he had me pinned to the floor I felt his fists pounding on the side of my head.

I started swinging my arms wildly feeling my fist connect with the side of Joe's head, causing him to stop hitting me.

"You BITCH."he sneered as he pinned my arms down and with all his might he head-butted me. I laid there dazed for a moment unable to move my head and neck.

Not skipping a beat I suddenly felt Joe's hand wrap around my throat and began to squeeze. In an attempt to get him to loosen his grip around my throat I raised my fist and hit him straight in the middle of his face.

Causing Joe too fall over onto his side grabbing his nose giving me the chance to get away running towards my room quickly locking the door behind me. Scanned my room quickly looking for my car keys and phone. I spotted them on the bed and dresser.

I was going towards the window when I heard Joe pounding on the door. Panicking knowing the door wouldn't take much abuse, I tried lifting the window and it did nothing.

"ABIGAIL"screamed Joe as he kicked at the door.

I turned my attention back at the window noticing it was locked, I immediately unlocked it and climbed out  closing it behind me as I snuck out into the rainy night.
I was crouching outside the window when I heard Joe finally break through the door, charging into the bathroom.
Knowing I had to find Chris fast because once Joe realized I wasn't in the room he would take his anger out on Chris.
I crept around the house towards the back door.

As I reached the back door I could hear Joe breaking things in the house. I tried the door finding it locked I pulled my keys out quietly and unlocked the door, slowly trying not to let it creak once I had the door opened enough I looked down to the floor and found Chris laying there out cold.

I dropped my knees and tried waking him up.

"Chris, please oh please be OK."I said as I checked his head for any wounds.

Not being able to wake him I tried to pull Chris towards the door, when Joe suddenly kick the backdoor in soaking wet from the rain.

"Well well two birds with one stone."said Joe as he charged at me slamming me into wall.

"Joe, please stop."I begged as I slid down the wall.

"But how will you learn My Sweet Abbey."replied Joe as he squatted down in front of me placing both hands on the side of my head and then forcefully rammed my head into the wall.

My vision started to blur from the pain shooting through my head, as I kicked out and caught Joe's knee sending him backwards.

I wobbly stood up and opened the door leading into the house, I stumbled into the kitchen and fell down on all fours.

"You ain't going nowhere bitch."said Joe as he lifted his left foot back and kicked me in the stomach, sending me onto my side gasping for air.

"I'm tired of playing nice Abbey."he added as he raised his right fist and sent it straight into the side of my face causing everything to go black.

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