A Vampire Nest

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While the boys were visiting the Harvelle's I found a case of my own. Bobby had gone off with another hunter and I was home alone and bored.
The first day they'd been away I had gone for a run with Whiskey, practiced my shooting and done some research for a couple of hunters but now I was bored.

Grabbing my laptop and putting it into my backpack I locked up the house, pulled my helmet onto my head and drove into town.
I parked out the front of the local restaurant, relishing the feeling of pulling my helmet off of my head.
Smoothing my hair back up into a ponytail I walked inside.

All of the tables were full except for a couple on the far corner. Casually I walked to the bar, ordered myself a beer and then sat at the free table.
Logging on to the internet I opened up the latest news and started to look for a hunt.

Two towns over there had been a murder one day ago and the victim had been completely drained of blood. 2yrs earlier there had been four identical murders which lead me to think that there was a nest there, just being cautious about their victims.
Jotting down all of the notes I would need I packed my stuff and went to leave the restaurant.

Just as I went to get on my bike my phone rang, it was Bobby.
"Where are you girl?"

"I'm in town, trying to find a hunt. I didn't think you were going to be home until tomorrow?"

"Matt is finishing up, it was just a pissed off spirit. Why do you want a hunt girl?"

"I just needed to get out of the house for a while, I'll take Whiskey if you'd like. But I can talk to you about it when I get home, I'll be twenty minutes."

"Drive safe girly"

"Always do Bobby, always do" I said a grin spreading across my face.

Placing the phone back into my backpack, I pulled the helmet down over my head, swung my leg over the bike and started her up.
Urged on by the looks I was receiving by the diners I revved her engine before spinning the back tyre as I turned the bike around and screeching out of the parking lot.

It was late by the time I got home, I had spent longer in time than I had realised however I managed to turn the twenty minute drive home into ten.

As I walked in the door I could smell food, and sure enough dinner was on the table and hot.

"How did you know when to serve up?" I asked, confusion entering my tone. "I told you I'd be twenty minutes."

"It's twenty minutes away girl, I know how you drive, don't take me for a fool!" His serious expression softened and we laughed.

"One of these days..." He muttered under his breath as he went to the kitchen for a drink.

"I'm sorry Bobby, what was that? I'm a brilliant driver." I exclaimed, still on a high from my drive.

"I know Riley, doesn't mean everybody is though."


Early the next morning I got up, grabbed a quick breakfast and got ready to leave. Whiskey knew something was different and so she was pacing back forth across the kitchen floor.

"Yeah it's alright girl, we'll be going soon. Go and kill us some vampires!"

Traipsing back up to my bedroom I grabbed out my duffle bag and backpack and carried them down to the garage where we kept our equipment.

Hopefully once I got my own car I could keep all of gear in there. But for now I used an old cupboard in the garage.
Opening up the padlock I had placed on there I pulled the doors apart and flicked on the light at the top.

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