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Not long after their last hunt they found another case. Dean was eager to get on the road and Bobby hinted to the boys that maybe they could take me along too

I was less than impressed about the hint, seeing as he had only recently been trying to find my partners but reluctantly agreed when I saw that they really didn't mind my tagging along.

I drove behind the impala as we drove off towards Red Lodge. Even with the wind rushing past me and the growl of my bikes engine I could still make out ACDC's Back in Black blaring out of the impala.

As a longer stretch of road came up I let the bike take off, giving her more throttle and overtaking the impala, giving the boys a cheeky salute as I drove past.

Behind me I heard the purr of the engine increase as Dean floored it. The three hundred miles passed fast and soon we were in Red Lodge.

While I went and booked us a motel room Sam and Dean went to go and ask the Sheriff some questions whilst posing as reporters.
I think they also mentioned possibly going and looking in at the morgue at Christina and the other victim.

Both victims had been found headless, in the area there were also several cattle mutilations which we thought might be linked.

We had jumped on the case fast after reading the report but I hadn't heard of any monster that beheaded its victims.

While the boys were out I decided I would grab a quick siesta seeing as I still hadn't quite recovered from my last case.

I had been lucky enough to grab a room with two beds and a couch. Since I was the only one sleeping I took advantage of the bed and was out in less than a minute.
Unluckily for me however my rest was far from peaceful.


Shortly after falling asleep a familiar face appeared to me, my mother. She looked healthy and tanned, like she had before we moved to America
But something was wrong, her usual happy smile was gone and her eyes looked dull and emotional less.

"Mum?" I asked.

"Not anymore" my mother hissed, looking at me disappointedly and I watched on in horror as he eyes turned pitch black.
At that point any resemblance I thought I could see between the demon in front of me and my mother vanished.

"What have you done to her?" I demanded of the figure in front of me.

"I didn't do anything, it was all you dearie." The figure shot me a menacing grin before continuing on with its victory march.

"You see Mummy dearest made a deal for you sweetie but died before we could claim her. Tried to get you as compensation but took Grandma instead."

"The dog" I gasped trying to make sense of what I was being told.

"Hell hound actually Riley, but yes the one that was following you, well we used Bella to claim our end of the bargain."

"Demons lie" I spat, refusing to believe that there was even a single shred of truth in the story I was being told.

"Hmm that may be right, but I think you know I'm not lying."

There was a pause, before the demon sat up and started prowling around the room, a wicked look in her eye.

"You know what's even better though? Even better than your mother bailing, and your grandma taking her place?"

I didn't take the bait, I sat as sullen as ever.

"You're next sweetie, maybe not for a while as he likes what hing your pathetic life play out for now but soon. Soon you'll be my little plaything."

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