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Our theatre teacher was a kindly man with many years of practical experience in his field. He once taught us that any story is incomplete without the 'turn', the moment when all the conflicts in the play come to a head and resolve themselves. The very same day he gave us that lesson he also gave us some news which would go on to change my life for ever.

"We're going to start preparing for this year's district one act play competition." He said. "I want all of you to participate in some capacity or other. Give me a list of what each of you is going to do by evening."

It was only the first day of the second term and no one was in any mood to concentrate on the classes. But I had something more than Monday blues on my mind. During the holidays I had gotten a text which I had tried to dismiss from my mind but it simply refused to go.

Her: Sirius, I broke up. He kinda dumped me.

Now why was it such a problem? You see about a week before that message I got another one.

leOtherHer: Hey, I know we don't really know each other that well but I kinda like you. Could you be my boyfriend?

Now that message was from Shaline, one of the girls in my Sunday school (yes I went to Sunday school because my parents felt I didn't have to deal with enough shit already). Considering the only other girl in class was a really close friend, I'd never really spoken to her. So obviously I turned her down.

Me: Sure. Why not.

This is why I hate myself.

Throughout the day my mind kept revolving around the thought of the message. Iza was my friend and I knew I should be there for her. And whatever slight affection I might have felt for her was definitely temporary. I shouldn't have to mess up my relationship for the sake of a maybe. Not even maybe. There was nothing there. I was certain there was nothing.

When evening came I still hadn't given my name for anything. The problem was that I really wanted to try my hand at acting but signing up would mean practice after class. I would have to cut my coaching classes.

Maybe I should have just signed up for costume or something and saved myself the trouble but you see at that point I was certain that I really did not want to be an engineer. I still wasn't sure what I wanted. The only real talent I had was writing but you can't make a living off that can you? But just in case I decided to study, say, English literature, I would need to buff up my portfolio.

In the end I wrote my name down for the actor's list and went home with a copy of the script tucked in my bag to prepare for my audition.

At the moment I didn't know where it would lead but now when I look back at it, that was probably the moment the play of my life began to turn. If just that one choice had gone differently, my entire life would have been different. You never really know how far your choices can reach. You just trust in your instincts and try not to mess up too bad. 

Term 2 is here people! Sorry for the long wait. I'll be updating once every two weeks. Catch the next update on September 10th. 

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